8. Panic

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⚠️Tw: Panic Attacks⚠️


I raced home, Kenma and Lev on my mind. I was absolutely furious at Lev. Not only was he dating Kenma, he was taking advantage of him. He didn't even seem to really like him! 

It seemed like the smaller boy (who's name, Kuroo had learned, was Yaku) didn't know about Kenma, because he had asked Lev how his doctor appointment was, and Lev most definitely didn't go to a doctors appointment.

I decided that I couldn't dislike this smaller boy, because he seemed so kind and genuine, and he was being taken advantage of as well. I decided I should tell Yaku as well.

By the time I reached my house, I had come to a conclusion. For the next three days, I would not say anything, to give Lev a chance to break it off on his own. If he didn't, though, after three days, I would send Kenma the video and I would tell Lev about Kenma.

I was slightly relieved, now that I had a plan, but then as I pulled out my phone and got in bed I realized that this would most definitely break Kenma's heart, and just like that I was furious again.


(1 AM)

I spent almost five hours on my phone, playing Among Us and watching YouTube in bed, when I should have been asleep. Then I heard it.

It was coming from Kenma's house, and, more specifically, his room. At first it was just small whimpers, and I thought maybe Kenma and Lev were doing  ✨ i t ✨, but then the whimper's turned into full crying, and I realized something was wrong with Kenma.

Then, I remembered that Kenma gets nocturnal panic attacks. I waited a second, hoping that Lev would comfort him, but when the small sobs didn't stop, I got out of bed. I hoped my mom would be asleep, but alas she was at the table, reading a book. A/n: idk kuroo's mom's sleep schedule is fucked  

"Kuroo?" My mom said. "what are you doing up?"

"Kenma's having a panic attack. I can hear him." I said quickly, grabbing the spare key I kept for these situations.

"Oh. Well, please come back once he's okay." My mom said.

I nodded quickly and ran out the door. I unlocked the back door to Kenma's house and raced up the stairs and into Kenma's room. He sat in his bed, tears streaming down his face, and he was breathing heavily. The sight nearly broke my heart.

"Kuroo?" The small boy said weakly. I rushed to his side, picked him up, and set him down gently on my lap.

"Shhh Kenma it's gonna be okay. You'll be ok." I said.

We had a system for Kenma's panic attacks, which always seemed to work. I took his hand and traced a shape onto it, as my other hand rubbed his back. He would tell me what shape it was, and it helped him calm down and focus on the shapes instead. 

"S-square" he whispered through tears

"Mhm, that's right"


I nodded, and continued to trace the shapes on his hand while I rubbed his back.





After about five minutes of this, Kenma had finally calmed down enough to stop crying, but he still clung to my shirt, and I didn't make him let go.

Then, Lev walked into the room.

"What's going on here?" He said loudly, not even seeming to notice the tear streaks on Kenma's face or the way his eyes were red and puffy. All he noticed was that pair of them basically cuddling. 

"Kenma had a panic attack. Where were you while he was crying and hyperventilating?" I said, not even attempting to conceal the venom in my voice.

"Get out." Lev said coldly. 

"No... wait please don't leave Kuroo..." Kenma said weakly, clutching me tighter. 

I gave Lev a small smirk, and held Kenma to my chest.

"What? Do you like this ass more than me?" Lev said, nearly shouting. 

"Stop yelling Lev. He just had a panic attack." I said softly.

"Kuroo, please leave. I need to talk to my boyfriend." Lev said evenly.

Kenma... will you be ok without me?" I said.

Kenma hesitated, then nodded. I picked him up off my lap and set him on the bed. I hugged Kenma, and as I walked out the door, I whispered in Lev's ear "If you make him cry again I will beat the shit out of you."


A/n: I kinda liked this chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments please!


(740 Words)

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