7. Hate

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I stood outside Kenma's house, waiting to walk to the rink together. And I kept thinking.

I hate this.

Why is this happening? 

Why does Lev hate me?

Why is he so possessive of Kenma?

Does Kenma hate me too?

He must. I'm so horrible, he must hate me.

Just as I was thinking this, he opened his door and walked out

With Lev. Holding his hand. 

Of course they were holding hands, they're dating, what am I thinking! And yet, I couldn't suppress the jealousy that cursed through my veins, red hot. 

"Hi Kuroo." Lev said with a smirk, like he knew exactly what he was doing. Which maybe he did. God I hated him.

I knew it wasn't fair to hate Lev, considering he'd never done anything to me, but just seeing him hold Kenma's small precious hand made me dislike him. Besides, there was something about him. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he gave my a bad vibe. I would never mention it to Kenma, though, because I worried that I was just making it up because I didn't like that Lev was dating my crush.

"Kuroo?" Kenma said tentatively, like he was worried of upsetting me. "You've been oddly quiet throughout our whole walk. Are you ok? Is something wrong?"

That jolted me out of my thoughts, and I realized we were almost at the rink and I hadn't said a word the whole time. "Oh, I'm fine! Sorry for zoning out, I didn't sleep very well last night."

"Oh. Okay." Kenma said. "Well, try to sleep more." 

"You're one to talk Kenma!" I said, trying to return to my normal personality. "I'm your neighbor, I can see you playing on your switch at 3 am from your window."

"Are you spying on him? Pervert!" Lev said, but he didn't seem to mean it, it seemed like a joke. 

Kenma laughed, and we continued to the rink, my lapse forgotten.


As I practiced my skating, I watched Kenma and Lev.

As I practiced my skating, I watched Kenma and Lev

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Kenma was just so awfully beautiful. I couldn't help my jealousy as Lev lifted the smaller boy into the air as they practiced a pair skate. All I wanted was for Kenma to be mine, and mine alone.

(An hour later)


"Well, I have to go now. See you guys later." I called, hoping off the ice. Lev said something to Kenma, then skated my way and got off the ice gracefully.

"What's up?" I asked Lev

"I'm leaving now to. Kenma said he wanted to practice a little longer but I have to go now, so I told him to just text me when he got back to his house."

I nodded, but for some reason I felt like something was up. Lev unlaced his skates quickly, and left the rink.

I decided to follow him, because even though I wasn't sure that the bad vibes were real, something felt suspicious right now.

And I was glad I did, because once we got to his house, another man opened the door. And then Alec kissed this other man. He was short, with light brown hair. I quickly whipped out my phone and recorded a video as soon as I saw them kiss. Even from what I captured on video, it was evident they were more than friends. 

Lev called the small boy 'babe' and he called Lev 'levotchka,' which was probably a nickname. In the time he took the video, they said babe or levotcka three times each, and they kissed twice more.

Kuroo was furious. Not only was Lev dating the man of his dreams, he was cheating on him! He couldn't even appreciate the awesomeness that was Kenma. And also, Kuroo could tell that Kenma loved Lev, and Lev could probably tell too. There was no doubt in his mind that Lev knew that Kenma's heart would break if he found out.

Disgusted, Kuroo ran away, leaving that filthy, cheating, bitch and his lover.

Now, Kuroo had another problem. What the hell would he tell Kenma?


A/n: more drama! By the way, if you hadn't already guessed, the small boy Lev is cheating on Kenma with is Yaku. Also, Yaku doesn't know that Lev Is also dating kenma as well. Also, i just read this fanfic (it's called spider, it's a sakuatsu story) and they kept mentioning this k-pop band called loona so i decided to try it out, and i have to say, it's really good to write to! Also this chapter is honestly kind of long compared to the others that I've been writing as of late, so yeah that's pretty cool :)  


p.s. if you're reading this, please tell me what you think of this book! 

(802 words)

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