I stared at the vastness of ocean in front of me

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I stared at the vastness of ocean in front of me. 

The salty breeze nibbling my skin.

The wind bombarding my hair.

The sound of the waves echoing in the far chamber of my mind.

My thoughts trying to wreck my soul.

And at the other end, the sun dipping down the horizon is trying to calm my tormented emotions.

Questions started to creep my mind.

Like a wildfire consuming me.

If i leap to this vastness in front of me, will it end my misery?

If i leap to this vastness, will it set me free?

I looked down, trying to measure the depth underneath me.

When I realized, haven't I been drowning all along? 

Haven't I been gasping for air?

I've created my own ocean of tears, forlorn and misery

And I can do nothing but to drown.

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