Day 0

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Y/n ran trying to get away from the impending danger, he knew that if he stopped for a second he would be dead. He's ran for so long he thought his lungs would collapse if his legs didn't go first that is. After a bit more running Y/n looked over his shoulder, reliefed he finally took a breath. The sound of his pants was the only thing he could hear, he could feel his exhaustion catching up to him so the small boy swallowed a lump and ran again.

When Y/n ran out of the forest and into a clearing he couldn't help but have a smile on his face when he saw a barn in the middle, seems like his luck was finally turning around. He quickly climbed up into the hayloft and made himself comfortable. His exhaustion came over him like a wave, immediately bringing him to a deep sleep.

He felt cold, like ice, when y/n opened his
eyes all he saw was a dark emptiness. It was quiet too quiet, y/n took a step and that was when he smelt it. It filled the room, the stench was unbearable and made y/n's eyes tear up. Y/n kept looking around trying to find where it was coming from and thats when he saw it or in this case her.

"M-mom" y/n stuttered out.

"Mom i-its me, Y/n." Y/n took a step back. His mother kept trudging forward, her boney limbs were stretched trying grab the h/c-(ette/blonde), her decaying flesh was covered in dried blood, and her cold lifeless eyes stared at the boy.

"Mom please, please I don't want to do this. Please mom please. Go away. Go away! Go! Away!"

Y/n jumped awake shivering, and crying. The early morning sun reflected off the point of his spear. Y/n wiped the tears and packed up his stuff. Just as he grabbed his spear he heard something. Y/n instinctively ducked down and held his spear tight he climbed down and listened closely to the footsteps outside the barn. From what he can tell he heard at least 8 maybe 10 people. He held his breath, slowly ctrying to crawl to the back of the barn to make a quick get away but luck wasn't on his side and he accidentally toppled over some cans.

"Hey! We know your in there. Now why don't you come out and show yourself!" A man spoke.

"P-please just let me go! I-i don't want any trouble!" Y/n pleaded.

"Rick he sounds like a kid we can't just let him go he'll die out there." Spoke a woman's voice.

"Rick we don't need another mouth to feed." Another man spoke.

"We're not like that Shane we aren't those kind of people." The man now known as Rick spoke. "Kid why don't you come out and we can talk, maybe even help you!" Rick yelled.

"W-why should I trust you." Y/n asked.

"We can take you in! You don't have to be alone! And you'll die out there by yourself!" Rick reasoned as he slowly walked closer.

"I'll come with you! Only if you tell your man with the crossbow to get out of his sport and the man with rifle to lower their weapons!" Y/n yelled.

"You're good kid, i'll give you that. Daryl, Dale back down."Rick ordered. Daryl and Dale came out of their hiding spots. Y/n took a deep breath and stepped out. He held his spear shakily making it pretty evident that he was scared. When he came out of his hiding spot he saw a rugged looking man and another one with a bucket hat in the hayloft you were in just moments ago. In front you was a man in a sheriff's outfit a blonde woman and a bald man, behind them you saw an asian man in a cap next to a lady with brown hair and a boy that looked to be around your age.

"Hi my name's Rick, the man with the crossbow is Daryl and the man with him is Dale."The man now known as Rick pointed to the previously unknown people. "This is Shane. . ." Shane gave a nod. ". . . and this is Andrea." Andrea gave a smile and waved at him.

"My names y/n." His voice was shaky but y/n stood his ground. His spear was still pointed at them, shaking.

"Ok y/n now how about you put down the spear and we can get you some food."

Y/n thought it over as he looked at the people around him, he lowered his spear and gave a hesitant nod. Together y/n, Rick and the others walked back to the farm house. Before they got there though a boy with a sherrifs hat made eye contact with the e/c eyed boy. Y/n quickly looked away and kept his head low as they made their way to the farmhouse to clean himself up. The rest of the day was quite uneventful besides the fact that the h/c haired boy was being silently watched. Y/n watched as they all walked around doing god knows what, it wasn't hard listening to their conversations either with how loud they talked and the fact that y/n himself seemed pretty invisible to them. The boy who he later found out was named Carl seemed to be keeping an eye on him all through out the day. The entire day went by and not one of them gave their attention to the young boy.

Y/n was at a table looking at his supplies, he didn't have much. He had a crank light, a bottle of water, beef jerky, a box of herbs, a polaroid, and a couple of journals. He was looking through one in particular, it was in fairly good condition, the leather cover has seen better days but other than that the journal was okay. His face had a look of sadness and nostalgia as he looked through the pages.

"What chu' got there?" A voice spoke. Startled y/n looked up and saw a woman with short brown hair. She approached slowly and sat down next to him. "May I?" She asked. Y/n looked down at the book in his hands and slowly gave it to the woman. She took it and carefully flipped through the pages. "The names Maggie. Can you tell me what this is?" The woman now known as Maggie asked.

"This is one of my journals. I like to give the people I meet a short bio in this journal. It's just a hobby. . ." y/n stated as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"I think thats pretty interesting. How about you make one for me?"


"Yeah, why not?" She reassured.
Y/n gave a small smile and took out his polaroid, Maggie gave a smile as Y/n took a picture of her. Y/n laughed and talked with Maggie like they've known each other for years. Unbeknownst to them Carl watched from a far. He watched as y/n laughed and looked genuinely happy.

"So what so we do with the kid?" Shane asked.

"What do you mean what do we do?" Dale retorted.

"We don't need another mouth to feed right now. We have to worry about that group that almost killed Rick and the others. Plus there's that kid in the shed too."

"Rick are you hearing this. We can't send a child out there by himself. He's barely younger than Carl!"

"Dales right Shane. We aren't those types of people." Rick stated. Shane angrily huffed and sat down

"Are you guys gonna send me away?" Rick and the group turned around to see y/n standing there. "I kind of expected this. . . so its ok." Y/n said as he stared at the ground. The group looked at each pther than back at the boy. It was quiet for a bit until Hershel spoke up.

"Son how many walkers have you killed?" He asked

Y/n looked away hesitantly "None"

"How many people have you killed?"

Y/n flinched and looked down, shaking as he held his spear. "T-two" he stuttered.


"My parents. T-they tried to save me. . . so its my fault that they're dead."

"It should've been me."

Ajsjdjd I finished it. I hope y'all like it I really wanted this to be good. Again this isnt really edited so there will be mistakes so sorry about that I try to fix them when I find them though. Welp see y'all later.

Bullets-Carl x Male!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ