<2> Filler?? Idk what to call this haha

Start from the beginning

"I gotta go," he ran through the door.

My anxiety was through the roof. What the hell was that about?

I tried my best to soothe the foreboding feeling in my stomach, grabbed the book and read.

That was, until the gunshot rang out. I couldn't help but panic. I ripped the cell door open and exited the basement.

Outside, I spotted Enid and fell into stride with her.

"He left the cell unlocked, didn't he?" She asked

I nodded and she shook her head. "What the hell was that gunshot about?" I asked.

"No idea. We're about to find out."

We rounded a corner and approached a house with a small crowd gathered around it. Rick approached, following a man in a leather jacket. Enid and I made our way to the door, but a man was guarding it.

I peered through the window to see Carl holding a gun on someone and arguing with his dad and the man who he had followed. I tapped Enid's shoulder, she looked and shook her head.

She began walking away from the building.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" I asked.

"Nope. Even if we had a plan, all the windows are locked. This used to be the doctor's office before they both died. We just have to wait. Come with me."

I hated that idea, but she was right. There wasn't anything we could do. I fought my gut instinct to help and followed her.

Enid lead me away from the old nurse's ward, but we were soon stopped. The man that stopped us was a little taller than Enid, he was fairly chubby, and he looked like a grubby asshole. A creepy grin crossed his face.

"Hey girlies," he sneered.

"I'm not a girl, dickwad," I spat in the deepest voice I could muster.

He seemed slightly taken aback, but the twisted grin never left his face.

"I have 'ta pat you two down, Negan's orders."

I glanced skeptically at Enid and she nodded. "I'll go first. You try anything with her and I'll beat the shit outta you, I know MMA."

"Yeah, right half-pint."

I clenced my jaw and fought the urge to pressure point him. He patted me down and, once he was satisfied, he continued to Enid. He patted her down, then stuck a hand in her pocket.

"Ballons? You going to a party little girl?" He smirked.

"Give them back, asshole," I grumbled.

"She's gotta say please."

I had had it. I was about to turn and break his nose, but Enid spoke up.

"Please," she uttered.

"See? Wasn't that hard." He threw the balloons back at her and walked off.

Once he was out of earshot, Enid scolded me.

"Don't ever lie like that again. You could've gotten us killed."

"Lie? About what?"

"Knowing mixed martial arts."

"I do know it. I'm legally a brown belt, but my old sensei said I'm at the same level as a black belt level 2. Becoming a black belt is a legal process though, and we don't exactly have a legal system."

"Either way, those guys are dangerous. I keep the balloons to remind me of someone their leader beat to death."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could just make out Carl running toward us. "Thank the fucking gods," I muttered.

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