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(Just a warning, this chapter mentions SA and implies that Carl and Trevor slept with each other. It's still technically SFW though bc I don't feel comfortable writing smut, even if both characters are 18 bc they are at this point haha)

Trevor McAllister

Carl, and I were sitting in a field in Alexandria. Lydia had joined us and started flirting with Carl.

"So, how come Trevor goes everywhere with you?" Lydia asked in a snarky tone. I gritted my teeth.

"Trevor's my boyfriend," Carl replied quietly.

"Boyfriend? I thought you said you liked girls?" Lydia pryed. I was getting real sick of her, real fast.

"I'm bi," Carl squeaked, obviously uncomfortable.

"Oh. I, too, swing both ways," Lydia told Carl, biting her lip. She was basically sitting on him at that point. Carl looked like a deer in headlights.

I had had enough. I gently pulled Carl's hand. "C'mon let's go."

He and I both got up off of the grass and I briskly pulled him behind me.

As soon as we were out of earshot, I turned to look him in the eye. "Are you alright?"

He started crying and held me as tightly as he could. "I'm so sorry," he sobbed. "I should've done something. I should've pushed her away, or said no, but all I could think about was that guy years ago and I-"

"Carl, are you telling me you were assaulted?" I could tell my tone went from concerned to pissed, and apparently he could too.

"Al-almost," he sobbed. "It was years ago and the guy's dead now, I thought I'd repressed it but it came back."

I held him as tightly as I could. His tears had soaked my shirt. "It's alright Carl, I'm not mad at you. It's not your fault. If you ever want to talk about it just tell me, alright?"

"Yeah," he mumbled into my shoulder. "Could I have some alone time?"

"Of course. I'll be with Cass and James at the forge-"

"-I meant alone with you. I wanna cuddle."

"Oh, yeah. That's fine too," I chuckled. "C'mon." I grabbed his hand and we walked back to my house.

We took off our shoes and went up to our room.

"Trevor, will you be the big spoon this time?"

I nodded and we got into bed. I held him close and gently ran my fingers through his hair. That always helped me when I was anxious.

After a few minutes, Carl turned to face me.

"I've never asked before but, um, have you ever, you know..." he looked embarrassed.


"Well, uh, are you a virgin?" He replied quickly.

That took me entirely by surprise. "Well, yeah. I wasn't stupid enough to let Brent take that. That's part of the reason why he cheated on me, I was too much of a 'snob' for wanting to wait 'til I was older. Why?"

"Would you maybe wanna try it? I, uh, I think it might help me. Because all I can think about is what happened and I think if I associate those types of situations with something or someone else, maybe it won't hurt so much?"

I nodded. "Sure. But the minute you feel uncomfortable, you tell me okay? I don't want you to suffer for my sake. Has your dad given you the talk?"

He nodded. "Yeah, do you know where we could get a condom?" He asked sheepishly.

I dug through my nightstand and pulled out the small box Cass had given me. "Cass gave 'em to me a while ago. I told him I didn't need 'em but he insisted that I take em, just in case. I've had em for months." I paused. "You wanna be on top, right?"

He nodded slowly, and I layed down in bed before taking off my shirt.

He removed his, pinned me, and connected our lips in a slow kiss.

He caressed my cheek. "Are you absolutely certain you wanna do this?" I asked.

He nodded. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to, Trev."

"I know, I just-" He cut me off.

"It's alright. I get it." He smiled and reconnected our lips.


The next morning, Carl's arms were still around me. I was facing him, my head snuggled into his bare chest, under our comforter. He was snoring slightly. The way the sun hit his face made him look almost angelic.

I just stared at him for a moment before he stirred slightly.

"Morning," he smiled at me.

"Morning," I replied. "Did ya sleep okay?"

"Yeah," he sighed contentedly. "I love you, Trevor."

I smiled as he spoke. "I love you too, Carl." He placed a small kiss on my forehead.

Our bedroom door was ripped open and Cass welcomed himself in. "Rise and shine, loverboys!"

"What the hell, Cass?" I shouted back.

"You two kept James and I up last night, you could've at least warned us."

I rolled my eyes and sat up. "First of all, you weren't supposed to be home til this afternoon. Second of all, piss off," I groaned.

"We aren't mad, you two just need to wake the hell up 'cause it's almost one."

I facepalmed myself. "Shit, I missed guard duty!"

Cass chuckled. "James covered for ya. Now c'mon and get dressed, I made waffles."

I breathed a sigh of relief as Cass left the room.

"So much for keeping that a secret," Carl chuckled.

"Yeah," I laughed gently.

Sorry that this one's kinda short, I didn't know what else to write. I hope y'all enjoy it :)

Also, sorry about my weird ass titles,,,

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