Bonnie and Clyde

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*Ariana POV*

I grabbed a cropped sweatshirt and high waisted jeans after Justin texted me. I was a little weirded out cause it’s like 7:30 and the sun has set and its Wednesday why does he want me on my deck so late? I just went along and applied a touch up to my mascara and waiting I have to admit I was scared not cause of Justin acting weird but ever since what happened to mom decks and heights scares me. I was knocked out of thought by hearing someone whisper my name.

"Ari?" I looked down at the bottom of the tree to see Justin. "Justin what are yo-" I was cut off by him climbing up. "Ari I need you to pack your things." I looked at him confused "Justin are you crazy? My dad would flip and besides that what do you mean pack my bags?" He saw my suit case from where we had moved in last week.

"Listen Ari...” he handed me the suit case, "your dad followed me after I left and told me to stay away or he'd beat me..." he walked back to me and grabbed my face "if I have to leave or be beat it’s the same. I told you I would protect you as much as I can and I can't-" I cut him off.

"Justin I can't leave are you crazy? You could get arrested or somethin-" he raised my chin with his hand "I have done worse and haven’t got arrested. Ariana my dad used to beat my mom and I’m not leaving you here to suffer like her. We don’t have much time just trust me." I nodded and he walked to my closet and helped me.

"Just put everything in there and I'll get my makeup and bathroom stuff okay?" He nodded grabbing the clothes and placing them in the suitcase. What did he mean he has done worse? I keep thinking about that and why did he even care I have never had many friends but Justin would you even count that as friendly he is like crazy about me or...

"Ready?" He looked at me standing on the deck I nodded. He jumped down and climbed down the tree "throw me your things then jump and I'll catch you" I did as he said but got sick at the thought of jumping.

"Justin I can’t jump I’m so afraid of heights!" He looked me dead in the eyes "Trust me!" I looked at him as I jumped I was so scared I didn't blink till I felt he strong arm holding me. "Whoa" was all I said as he grabbed my things and held my hand with the other.

We reached his car and I set down closing the door. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked placing his hand on my leg. I looked up at him as he started the car. "Yeah" he then rammed the gas pedal to the floor.

The drive was silent not weird silence but just peaceful silence. I felt my eyes getting heavy. "Go to sleep Ari its okay! “I nodded and leaned back, "Come here" he said and I slid closer to him place my head on his lap spreading my legs across my sit. I looked at him and smiled. His eyes concentrated on the road ahead of him. "Thanks" he looked down for a spilt second with his smirky smile "Anytime" I closed my eyes as he slightly turned up radio. The sound of 'Stay with me' by Sam Smith playing quietly and with that I was gone into my dream land.

*next morning*

I woke to the car stopping and Justin playing with my hair. "Morning" he said smiling. I leaned up back to my sit fixing my hair as I did so, "have u drove all night?" He nodded no "I stopped at a truck stop to sleep I just didn’t bother you." I smiled and looked around "where are we now?"

"A gas station outside of Hollywood" my jaw dropped "what?" He laughed "I have a house here me and mom stay in over summer so I figured we go there. Do you want any food?" I nodded yes. He stepped out of the car and came and opened my door. I thanked him as we walked inside. "I’m going to the bathroom" I said pointing to it, "okay I'll just get some chips and jazz" he said walking around the shelves. I went and did my business to get Justin waiting in front of the door.

"Ready?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand. He didn’t grab my whole hand just my fingers like he had done before. He helped me in the car and got in himself handing me a bag of chips. I smiled ripping it open and shoving some in my mouth. "Slow down now" he laughed and I looked up at him and smiled my cheeks full like a chipmunk.

Soon we came up to a huge condo on the beach "this is different from Canada" I stated and he turned to me real fast as he shut off the car. "You’re from Canada?" I nodded "me too!" He said like a little kid getting a new toy. The he just simple got out and lead me to the house. "I hope u like it babe" he said and I nodded trying not to turn red at babe!

We continued thru the house and he showed me around it was amazing. It was mostly glass but it was absolutely fabulous a view of the ocean it was the only house there. He smiled at me as I looked around in awe. I walked to a huge glass window to see a pool and the ocean I watched as the bird flew around taking in the morning sun light. I stood there taking in the new surroundings and Justin came up behind my placing his arms around my waist I jumped at the sudden touch and felt chills down my body.

“You like it?” I nodded and smiled turning my head to lean on his shoulder he slowly let me go and walked to the tv in the living room and began playing music. I laughed s Beyoncé song “Crazy in love” began to play. Justin started dancing around all girly and I was crying from laughter. He grabbed my hands and began swinging me around and dancing with me. I laughed and leaning my head on his shoulder as the song changed to the slow pace of “Young and beautiful” came on I smiled as he wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly slid his hands down my body to my waist.

We stayed like that till the end of the song “How long will we be here?” I leaned up to looked at his face my hands went from his neck to his shoulders. “I don’t know? How long do you want to stay?” I shrugged I didn’t know honestly I don’t want to go back and be with my stupid father and Tangie and I had no other friends. He looked at me as if trying to read my thoughts. “What’s wrong?” he held my cheek with one hand I just shrugged and he let go grabbing my hand and leading me to the couch. We set down and he spoke again “you can trust me” I looked at him “Justin its not that I don’t trust you its just hard things have happened before I met you it just hard” I said and he placed his hand on my leg and rubbed it up and down.

“Same here Ariana! Horrible things if I tell you what happened to me will you tell me?” he asked pleading eye with a flash of something else. I nodded yes and he began “Well it all started when I was a kid. My mom had me very young and my dad left her and as I aged I noticed my dad would come not to help us considering we were already poor but to take our money and food and sleep with random prostitutes.” He paused his hand tightened on my leg and I grabbed it randomly and held it “And I noticed when mom fought back he would hit her and it just got worse and worse. And one day I took matters of letting out my anger into my own hands.” He looked up at me and I nodded in understandment he looked me right in the eyes “I joined a gang and got drug money and they wanted me to step up the ladder and kill someone for a lot of money like millions.” He looked into my eyes as if trying to read my thoughts I looked at him to continue “I did it.” He said it blankly “I killed the person they wanted me to. And got the money but I tried to leave and dad found out.” He licked his lips “They said they kill me and after all the years of me being rude to him for beating mom and acting like a fucked up jerk he fought for me and got killed Ari?” I nodded “I have never felt so bad! Me and mom took the money after his death and moved here. And I started a career in boxing and that’s how I keep the money coming but it isn’t gang boxing but Ari I killed my father” A tear slowly slipped out of his hasel eye and I grabbed his face and nodded no “Justin you didn’t the gang did.”

He nodded and cried more and I don’t even know what I was doing but i jumped on him hugging him as tight as I could he grabbed my waist and stood up then slowly putting me down. He cried on my shoulder “But Ariana I did” he whispered his voice cracking I nodded no and he sighed lifting his head up. “Sorry” he said whipping tears. He looked at me to signaling my turn I nodded yes and began to tell him what had happened before I move here. He grabbed my cheek “Tell me Ari.” He said rubbing my cheek. I took a deep breath and just yelled it out as loud as possible with tears falling down my cheeks.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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