Friendship Friday

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As I heard my alarm go off alerting me that it was 2 in the morning and time to shop with Justin. I've only known im a day and he is like already my best friend. I jumped out of bed and put on a cropped sweatshirt that said Loved and some sweats and converse. I walked out of my new room and slowly closed the door I looked around for any sign of my dad. I wrote a note'went out Black Friday shopping' and quitely left. I walked out and saw Justin leaning on the light pole at the end of the driveway at the side walk. His mescaline shadow in the dark calling my name. He slowly turned causing the light to hit his face showing his imperfectly perfect jawline. “Hey” he smiled taking my hand lightly only holding the tips of my finger with his somewhat rough fingers. “Hey” I said as we got into his car “Ima get them deals let me tell ya” I said all crazy he laughed “mhmm” i frown like a kid. Laughed “I see that face” he said grabbing my cheek cause me to flip that frown upside down. Soon I felt my eyes getting heavy. “Aye just go to sleep” Justin laughed at my sleepy face I guess. I leaned my head over to lean on the window but Justin touch my hand then patted his shoulder not taking his eyes the road. I placed my head on his soft warm shoulder instantly getting the smell of his cologne all around me and with that I was out.

I felt a weird feeling in my side but I ingored it. But I got worst and tingily I realized Justin was tickling me “Asshole” I smacked his arm. “well someone doesn’t do mornings!” he laughed I just looked at him with one eye open with a not impressed look. He just laughed as he got out and walked to open my door so gracefully for me motioning his hand as he did so. I smiled and thanked him. He stopped me with his hand “Here” he handed me a fresh cup of hot starbucks coffee “It pumpkin spice” he winked and I smiled as I put the cup to my lips and felt the warm pumpkin taste. He was just staring at me as I looked out of the corner of my eye. “Let’s get in there before them grandmas” I yelled and took off to the mall in front of us I heard Justin laugh behind me as his footsteps got closer I pushed the door open trying to get away from Justin but as I turned to shut it in his face he already had it open and grabbed me with one arm. “Now slow down lovely” I laughed as the ‘grandmas’  looked at us like we had lost are very minds.

I walked through the store with Justin right beside me. “Look!” I yelled running up to a window with a gorgeous red dress with a cut out on the back that was lined with silver. I smiled at the dress spinning around in the window. I laughed at the price doe “Who are they selling this to a queen or some shit” I said walking away but I realized Justin wasn’t beside me he was still looking at it. “Oh sorry” I laughed at him as he ran up to me. We walked into another store then another. “wait Ariana” Justin ran into the shoe store I laughed as he got excited at all the high tops and vans. “Justin we’re Christmas shopping for others you know” he frowned “I know” and with that we went to one last store and finally was done!

I smiled as I finally got to set down. "Finally my legs are killing me!" He laughed and started the car "you up for Mc.Donalds?" I nodded my head yes fast and excitedly! He soon jerked the wheel into the parking lot. We order our food and ate. We talked about everything my old house and school EVERYTHING. I walked into the play room and started up the slide but Justin grabbed my hip "dont even Ari you will get stuck" I just laughed and nodded as he still had his arm around me I turned trying to get out of his grasp but when I turned I cam face to face with the hasel eyes, slightly tan, and lightly blonde hair face of Justin. He smiled and I felt us getting closer but then the scream of a kid running up the side distanced us suddenly. I laughed and walked toward the door and Justin followed. When I stepped outside I realized it was getting late. Justin go in his seat "ready to go home?" I nodded and leaned on his shoulder and watched the sunset as we drove I smiled then shut my eyes.

I woke to Justin shaking me "no!" I said lean more closer to him. He laughed "yess" I smiled and lean up and stretched making weird cat like noises as I did so. Justin giggled and I slap his chest "aye now!" I went to open the door and Justin ran out to get it for me. I smiled and thanked him for his generosity. He waljed with me across the street to my house. "Bye Justin" I smiled turned to walk to the house but Justin grabbed my hand "wait" he spun my around like we were dancing the tango. He just looked at me bearing his hasel eyes right through mine.

He slowly smile "what?" I said looking at his faciak features up and down as he just stared at me looking at my lips. He leaned in closer and closer and I felt my stomach going weak with butterflies. Then as I felt his breath on my lips the porch light came on lighting the whole yard. "Shit! Bye Justin" I started running "wait u coming to school Monday??" He yelled "yea" I yelled whike turning the diir knob to come face to face with the old drunken man himself. "Who..was..*burp*..that boy?!" He whispered yet yelling at the same time. "A friend dad we went shopping!" I yelled back turning to the steps but he grabbed my arm so tightly I felt every finger and every ragged nail. "He looked a littke to friendly!" He said no emotion in his eyes. "Well I guess I shoukd tell u this now!" He leaned closer. "You see him again you know what will happen?" I laughed getting in his face as he did mine "you ain't going to do shit cause I'm 18 and I can do what the fuck I wanna do dad and see who I want to see!" His eyes twitched then suddenly with out warning he push me against the tall railing surrounding the steps. "You don't talk to me like that young lady!!" With that he slapped me across the face. The force knocked my legs out of joint and I skipped down 2 steps. I cried at the burning now upon my face.

He slowly walked away throwing the empty beer bottle at the wall. I cried and ran to my room I jumped on the bed scream, crying, kicking. Soon I felt myself shaking from the tears my eyes getting weak and painful from all the tears and I thought of Justin. Not getting to talk to the only friend I have made since I moved here would be the hardest thing. I just imagined his face I haven't seen his bright hasel eyes sad or broken and I dont want to but I have to say goodbye before he has to say goodbye to me. And with that everything was black and I entered the galaxy of dreams.

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