Silent Treatment

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Soon Monday flew around and I woke to my alarm clock on my Iphone singing 'Uptown Funk' I buried my face in my pillow and growled. I grabbed my phone from the night stand. I got up and walk to the bathroom and looked at myself and sighed. My long brown and blonde hair in a messy bun with loose pieces of hair everywhere that had fallen in my face. I blew the pieces up in the air and turned on the shower. I took off my pjs and step in as the warm steam hit my face. I turned so the water hit my back and leaned my head under the hot water. Letting it slowly cover all my dry hair with its warmth.

Soon I was done with my shower and walked out of the bathroom with a towel around mt body. I walked to the closet and open the two door and examined the clothes looking for the right ourfit for my first day. I heard my phone beep abd I saw a text from Justin 'be ready in 20 and I'll drive you to school :)' I smiled and saw the right outsit. I grabbed a oversized sweater and some tribal legging and my knee high boots. I walked to the makeup desk and put on some counselor under mt eyes some bronzer to make my cheek bones stand out. I put on a light brown eye shadow and did my winged eyeliner. Applied some pink lip gloss and grabbed a scarf and ran downstairs.

I grabbed my backpack and skateboard and yelled to my dad "I leaving foe school now!" He just said "mhmm" under his breath. I opened the doors and headed to Justin's! I skated down the walk way and across the street towards Justin's but he was already outside leaning against his car. I skated towards him. His eye widened as I got closer but right before I almost hit his I weaved in the opposite direction laughing my butt off at his face. I step off my board and put my hands on the hood of his car laughing like crazy."your face..*laugh* was priceless" I wiped fake tears from my eyes as Justin glared at me and ran oved to me and grabbed my waists picking me up and spinning mt around really fast.

"That wasnt funny ya know?" He said spinning me more and I felt his arm let go while I was in the air I squealed alittle as I floated in mid-air but soon I felt the familiar strong arms of Justin. As he held me for a minute I look at the details of his tattoo. He slowly placed me back on the pavement and handed me my board. I stuffed it in my backpack and looked up and in the corner of my eye I saw my house and in one of the window I noticed a figure watching. I looked at Justin and said thanks and we got in the car as ww drove by my house to school I looked at the window again and tje figure slowly stepped out of the light. And I realized I wasnt supposed to talk to Justin today.

The whole ride I thought of the window I know that was my dad and that scared the shit out off me! "Are u okay Ariana? You seem quite are u nervous?" I nodded yes because I was nervor not about school but about my dad.

Justin walked with me to my locker and told me where my classes were I had 4th block with him the last class of the day. And all day in all of my classes I thought of how I was going to give him the hint I can't talk to him anymore. At lunch I snuck out to the football field and ate an apple I brought with me. I set on the bleachers thinking of what to do. Should I just tell Justin we can talk anymore but at school? Should I tell him my dad is a psycho that killed my mom? That he beats me? What will he do? What will he think? My thoughts were interrupted by Justin himself.

"You know you aren't supposed to be here right?" I nodded yea. He walked up to sit beside me. I wanted to cry and just twll him buy I couldn't my dad would kill me. He laughed "joking I come here all the time to get away from people. You know? To think alittle with out people interrupting my thoughts." I nodded and looked at the sky the sun shining in my face. "Ariana are you okay? Why wont u talk to me?" I frowned.

"Justin I want to but I c-" I was cut off by the bell and I ran to 4th block as fast as I could. I heard him cussed under his breath as I ran away. I set in the back of English and stared at the board mindless about anything but Justin.  Where was he? Soon he came in looking pissed I had nevee seen him liked this "20 minutes late Bieber thats a new record" the teachee said as his jaw tensed ans he looked at me witj pleading eyes. He set beside me and started whispering.

"Ariana please te me whats wrong!" I nodded no. "Not right now Justin" he breathed loudly and everyone looked at us like we were screaming or somw shit I waved my hand to twll them tk turn around and they did as a signaled.

Soon the class was over and I ran to the parking lot starting ro state my way home. "Ariana please" I heard his voice echo through the empty parking lot. It didn't turn but soon I was turned to face those hasel eyes. "Why are you giving me the silent treatment?" I frowned I felt my eyes warmer he picked up my skateboard and held it "tell me or you arent going anywhere." I starred at him "Justin because ww cant talk or be friends!" I yelled tears heating up in my eyes. "And why is that Ari?" My lips quivered "because I dont wanna get hurt!" He looked shock "what? I dont wanna hurt u!" He looked I saw a little flash in his eyes. "Its not you its-" he cut me off "its not you its me are u being real Ari?" I felt the tears fall I nodded "then who is it?" He yelled his face so close to mine I felt hes warm mint breath hit my face! He shook me "tell me who" hes voice low and cracklely.

I pulled out of his hands "my dad okay my dad!" I said walking away!I was stopped by him grabing me into a hug! I crting intk his white t-shirt. I felt every muscle under it. His warm surrounded me and block the cold fall air. He's smell containing me. I saw my makeup on his shirt I backed up to wipe in but he pulled me closer. He leans to my ear and whispered "Ari I dont care about your dad you are like my only best friend. No one in this beat up town likes me cause im and I quote "the little spoilt rich boy" I laughed at his sarcasm "Ari u cant just cuf me off like that! Whats he gonna do anyways?" I felt a chill and tries pulling back.

He saw the look on my face and he face dropped "Ari has he-has he hurt you?" He grabbed my hand with his free one still holding me with his othee I couldn't do this anymore my dad has hurt me for years and I never told anyone not even mom. I felt the tears fall uncontrollably. He looked at me shocked. He pulled me into him again this time it was different his grip was so tight like he would not let go ever he quietly said "he wont do this again I promise!" He pick me up not breaking the long lasting hug he set me in his car and handed me my things. He move a piece of my hair out of my face and wiped my tears "dont cry okay." He walked in go in the drivers sit and started the car soon we were near his house. "Listen Ari" he help me out of the car "if he touches you tell me okay. I will protect as much as I can I promise! Im not going to let jim hurt you!" He hugged me and kissed my head. "Be careful" I walked home and then heard Justin pull in! He dropped me off alittle before our houses so no one saw. I turnes to his house as I stood at the door. I watched him get out of his car and walk inside grab something and leave again. That weird I thought to myself as I closed the door and turned to face my dad. He instantly bumped in my face. I knew Tangie was gone and it scared me. "I told u Friday to stay away from him" I nodded "I did dad" I went to walk up stairs and he grabbed my arm. "Im not stupid Ariana! Im always watching!" He let go and walk out to his car I looked our the window and he drove off in the same direction as Justin.

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