Welcome To The Hotel California

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Walking up the stairs of the house no let me rephrase that mansion I stood mouth wide open in awh. My dad rings the door bell and soon I hear the sound of bells throughout the huge house. Soon the clicking of heels comes closer to the door. Swiftly the large doors open to reveal a surprisingly beautiful woman. She stood a medium height with hair curled to her shoulders the color of bleach blonde, he red lip stick was mallet to her lips, her smoky eye shadow was perfectly on point. As she smiled she revealed her perfectly straight pearly white. She was like a Barbie dolls mother.

"Why hello Scotty" she smiled as they hugged and I felt my gag reflex coming through "And you must be Ariana! Well aint you just the most gorgeous thing you" I looked at her mood-less and motionless. She had one of those annoying ass country accents like Dolly Patron or Reba. The voice just makes you wanna pull your hair out.

She hugged me as if I was a fluffy teddy bear. I just stood there waiting to be able to breathe again. "Well let me take y'all for the tour" I zoned her out as we walked around the old majestic old mansion. There was everything you could dream of but soon I was knocked into reality as she showed me my room. "And Ariana this is your room enjoy!" She slowly closed the door as I placed my bags on the pure white bed. I looked around at the gorgeous room. The clear sheet hanging over the bed posts, the white lights hanging on every wall, the walls were a peachy pink like a cupcake it was gorgeous. There was french doors leading to a deck which I would avoid knowing it would bring back bad memories. I smiled at the white makeup desk with a large mirror this room was perfect.

Soon I was bored after unpacking everything. So I decides to check out the town. I walked to the master bedroom to hear Tangie and my dad get it on. I literally wanted to throw up at the very spot "I'm going for a walk around town!" I yelled of the two sounding like dogs. "Okay Ari" my dad breathe back puffing like a dog.

I walked out discussed. I headed to the nearby town full of shops and people walking around looking in the windows of the stores. It was only a couple of people but I instantly felt the holiday joy as tomorrow was Thanksgiving. I saw a small antiques shop I walked in and saw the gorgeous piano. I stood at it and played the simple chords of Jar of Hearts. I smiled at the sound the felt a hand grab mine. "Can you not read? No touching the merchandise ma'am" I looked up to a young boy around my age or older. His hasel eyes were brightly burning into mine. He smiled showing he's perfect teeth.

"Why yes I can thank you!" I sassed back pulling my hand away from his I turned to look around at the other things and saw a little music box I opened it to see a cat inside with a little dress on. I watched it as it spun around smiling whiskers curled up towards its ears. I listen to the sweet harmony of the little song "la la de la la da" I mumbled with the song till suddenly it flew shut. "I thought u said you could read?" The boy said smiling behind the shelf as he fluffed up his spiked hair.

"Believe me I can read but that doesn't mean I have to listen to you now does it?" He giggled and walked around the shelf beside me. I turned to face him as he came up with his come back "feisty are we?" He giggled and I just looked at his nicely tan face and little dimples on his cheek with an unimpressed look. "Well Miss feisty my name is Justin!" He said hand out towards mine as he used the other to point at his name tag. I rolled my eyes and just said my name "Ariana" I walked away to leave the store.

But this guy wasn't done he ran up infront of me! "Dude you can't leave me hanging like that!" He stuck his hand out again. This time I shook it for like 2 milla seconds. I pushed the door to walk out as the little bell dinged as I exited and soon it rung again. Walking up beside me was Justin again. "Hey wait I've never seen you here before are you new or visiting-" "I'm new here." I said with no emotion at all. He laughed "well aren't you just to the point" he said popping the t. "Hey since you're new how bout I show ya around aye?" I nodded no and he stopped infront of my pathway and frown like a little kid. "Fine!" I yelled as he jumped for joy "right this way my lady" he said holding his arm at an angle so we could wrap arms I laughed this guy I crazy.

Soon we we're at the last stop. It had gotten late and the sun was setting "and this is the park! Here set down." I set in the bench and watch the sun set behind the orange leafy trees. I smiled "this park is gorgeous" I saw Justin in the corner of my eye watching me look at the sky. "Well we better be heading home where do you live?" I looked toward the direction of the mansion. "Over in that big house!" I point and he looked kinda shocked "what? No way? With Ms. Berry" "what is that bad and yea her and my dad have a thing" I said hearing my voice crack.

He stood up and smiled "shall we?" I just laughed "we shall!" Soon we were infront of the house. "Here's your stop and you wanna know something funny?" I nodded "sure?" He smiled "well you see that big house?" He said pointing across the street. I looked at it was just like ours almost but different colors and there was a sign in the gate out front 'Bieber' "yea what about it?" "Well missy this guy live there!" He say pointing to his face and down his body. I just kinda smiled at his childish ways! "So Happy Thanksgiving!" I said walking towards the porch. Then he grabbed my arm causing a shocking tingly feeling. I turned to face him eyebrows raised. "You doing anything Friday?" I nodded no and he smiled "wanna go Black Friday shopping with me? No one in my family wants to." He said kinda sad. "Sure it reminds me of my mom." I said blankly. "Is that bad? Im sorry Ariana." I smiled alittle! "No its fine Justin I just kinda miss her" he nodded in understandment. "Can't you see her or?" I nodded and Justin soon realized what I meant.

"Ariana I didn't. ." He was lost for words I could tell "aye dont worry" I patted his shoulder "I dont wear the my mom died t-shirt much" he giggled and soon a felt his arms around me. I felt the feeling of safety like nothing was around to hurt me. Kinda like when you have a bad dream and your parents let you sleep with them. He back away. I smiled then realized why he hugged me "I didn't even know I was crying I'm sorry Justin" I smiled and he laughed "I just made you cry and you say sorry to me?" He laughed and I walked away "bye Justin!" "Bye" he waved as I closed the door! Woah.

As Long As You Love Me (Bieber Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang