Chapter 5

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I quickly went downstairs and made small talk with Morgan before heading back to the elevator. I wasn't paying attention to what button I hit and I accidentally hit the 30th floor. When the doors opened I walked out and realized I was on the wrong floor. I decided instead of waiting for the elevator again I would just take the stairs. When I got to our floor I heard Austin and Kane talking.
"So what do you want to do?"
"What do you mean what do I want to do?" Austin asked. "We can't have her that way. She's our employee. I've already told you this."
"You can't tell me you don't find her attractive."
"Yes, Kane. I do, but we don't need a sexual harassment lawsuit on our hands. You never know how she would react to that."
"Well I want her."
"Yeah, so do I." Austin sighed. "But we are not going to act on it."
"Fine," Kane grumbled.
"And if I find out that you did, you'll have a bigger issue on your hands than just a lawsuit."
"Oh hush, just cause you're bigger than me doesn't mean you can whoop my ass. Remember when I used to take you down in high school?"
"Yeah, and in high school I hadn't discovered a gym and MMA classes yet."
They both laughed and I decided to go down a flight and take the elevator back up. Maybe that way they wouldn't know I was eavesdropping.
When the elevator doors opened I tried to sneak into my office unseen.
"Anna?" Austin called when I passed his office door.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Can you come in here for a second?"
I walked into his office.
"Close the door behind you please."
I did as he asked.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Take a seat."
I walked to his desk but I didn't sit down. He looked at me. I held my defiant state.
"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah, that. So, you know a little about Kane do you not?"
"Not much, why?"
He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm a bit worried that he may try something on you. You've been here two days and you're already the best PA we've ever had, therefore, I don't want anything to jeopardize your employment here."
I was already confused and it was obviously evident on my face.
"I mean that, if he tries something, please come straight to me. I know that you won't be comfortable with that, right?"
"Oh, uh, yeah. Right."
He looked at me oddly.
"Are you sure?" He questioned.
I bit my lip and nodded. His eyes shot down to my lip and back up to my eyes.
He cleared his throat again. "Okay then, you may get back to work." He turned his eyes to his desk but I couldn't stop looking at him.
He was absolutely gorgeous. His strong jaw and perfectly sculpted face. His lips are very plump and very kissable, I'm sure. My eyes dropped to his hands where his veins stood out in all the right places. They also looked very rough and calloused, which I loved. He cleared his throat and I looked up to his eyes. He caught me hawking over him. He smirked and I looked away.
"Uh, I am going to head back to my office. Do you need anything else?" I asked, looking at my feet.
He got up from his chair and walked in front of me until his feet came into view. "I feel like I'm having deja vu," he chuckled.
Just then, the door to the office opened and I jumped away from Austin as if he had just shocked me.
"I don't need anything. Thank you Anna," Austin said.
I nodded and walked into my office. I put my ear to the door to listen. They began whisper-yelling at each other.
"You tell me to stay away from her yet you looked like you wanted to rip her clothes off right here!"
"I wasn't going to do anything! I'm a professional. I know how to handle myself," Austin shot back.
"Yeah, okay." Kane scoffed.
"I think she's attracted to us," Austin whispered so quietly that I almost didn't hear it.
"Really?" Kane's voice was full of surprise.
I didn't want to listen anymore. I was caught. I needed to get out of this office. I need fresh air. I snuck out of the side door of my office and hit the button for the elevator. When it dinged, I hurried between the doors and started pressing the close button. Their office door opened.
"Anna?" Kane called. I didn't reply. The doors closed and the elevator began moving down.
When I got to the bottom floor I walked out onto the sidewalk. Morgan must've left early because she wasn't at her spot at the front desk.
Rain began to fall. I didn't move from my spot. I closed my eyes and tilted my head upward and let the rain wash over me. I took a deep breath. My bosses are very attractive. I can't deny that. But I refuse to just be a one night stand as Austin called it. I am better than that. I am better than the names my father called me.
"Annabelle, what on God's green earth are you doing?" Morgan yelled from the door.
I turned to look at her and shrugged, laughing.
"I go to the bathroom for two minutes and come out to find you having some sort of mental breakdown!" She laughed with me.
Then they came into view behind her and I instantly stopped laughing. She noticed my change in demeanor and turned around. Upon seeing them, she quickly made her way back to her desk.
Thanks for abandoning me! I telepathically told her.
She looked at me guiltily and mouthed an I'm sorry. Ha! She got my message.
Austin opened the door and motioned me in. I shook my head.
"I need to go home. My clothes got soaked."
Kane rolled his eyes and Austin smirked as his eyes ran down my body. I looked down and saw that my once white blouse had now become completely see-through. I groaned.
"Come on, we'll drive you home."
I walked to Austin who still held the door open for me. I crossed my arms and walked behind Kane so no one would see my exposed black lace bra. Morgan looked sympathetically but also amused from the front desk. I stuck my tongue out at her and she busted out laughing. Kane looked back at me and then to her before grinning.
When we got into the elevator, Kane spoke. "I'm glad to see you've made a friend here."
"Oh well, Morgan is an extremely good person and really easy to get along with."
I saw Austin smile from the corner of my eye.
The elevator made it down to the garage part of the building, below the main floor.
They walked to a very nice black Audi.
"Wow! Whose car is this?" I asked.
"That would be mine," Kane replied.
I praised his car before sitting in the back seat behind these two gorgeous men.
Kane drove slowly to my apartment as if to put off taking me home. I sat in the backseat pondering what they were talking about in their office earlier that day.
"What were you guys talking about earlier, in your office?" I asked without thinking. I mentally slapped myself and then back-handed myself for asking that.
Austin looked at Kane. Kane looked at Austin.
"Uh, well. You heard that?"
"Yeah, kinda."
"What does kinda mean Anna?" Kane asked.
"I kinda was eavesdropping," I mumbled.
Neither of them said a word again until we reached my apartment. I began to get out of the car.
"Well thanks for the ride guys. See you tomorrow morning!"
They began getting out of the car as well. Kane locked the doors and cane around to the passengers side.
"Uh, I can make it up myself."
Austin grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. I felt like a puppy on a leash.
We got into the elevator and went up to my floor.
When I unlocked my door, I prayed Calli was home.
"Cal, I'm home!" I yelled. No reply. Thanks Calli.
"No ones home?" Kane asked.
"Guess not," I grumbled.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. I popped the top and took a big swig.
"Woah, slow down there tiger. What's wrong?" Austin asked.
"What's wrong?" I asked sarcastically. "I just made a complete fool of myself by revealing that I've been eavesdropping on you and I might lose my job now because I heard things I probably didn't need to-" I was suddenly cut off by something so soft yet so firm. Something so delicious.
Austin was kissing me.

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