"She said awful things to me. I didn't mean to hurt her." Alexa said through tears. Of course, now she's playing the victim.

"You called me a bitch!" I yelled back as I tried to stand up. I wasn't going to let this skank act all innocent, when she was the one who was acting like a bitch!

My attempts however, of returning to my feet were unsuccessful. I kept being pushed down by Ciro, probably in an effort to keep us apart. 

Alexa just closed her eyes and turned her head away from me. 

"What are you, fucking children?" I heard a voice boom from down the hallway. He must of heard all the commotion. 

I heard his heavy footsteps connect with the floor making a loud echo. When he finally stepped out of the hallway my eyes met with a very upset and annoyed looking Lorenzo. 

"Can you guys not keep the noise down!" he yelled loudly. I could feel anger radiating off of him. What could have changed his mood so drastically from last night, I wondered to myself. Are things really that bad at work right now?

When him and I finally made eye contact, I saw his face twist in confusion. 

"What the hell is she doing on the floor?" he asked. He quickly walked over to me and picked me up by my arms. 

"Ouch!" I said softly as soon as our skin connected. I quickly grabbed my arm out of instinct.

He gave me a confused look and lowered his attention down to my arms. He gently took it in his hands saw my bloodied skin.

"What the hell happened?" he roared while looking between his two brothers.

"I heard them start to argue about something, then the next thing I saw was that they were on the floor fighting. So I came over to break them up!" Luca defended.

I could see Alexa shaking against Luca, she was obviously afraid of Lorenzo and what he was going to say.

Lorenzo then looked at me for an explanation.

I knew that what I said right now, was what Lorenzo was going to believe. Against my better judgement I decided to just take the blame for the whole situation. Even though it was clearly Alexa's fault. I just didn't want to start any more unnecessary drama.

"We just had an argument, that's all. It was my fault." I said quietly. 

Lorenzo gave me a skeptical look, but didn't press the situation any further. 

"Just take Alexa back to her room. Tell Gianna to go and say her goodbye's early,I want her gone before dinners ready." he said with authority.

"But Thanks Giving's tomorrow, and I want to spend it here!" Alexa pleaded. 

"I wasn't asking." Lorenzo growled as he took my hand and started to walk up the stairs. 

When we finally reached the top floor, we walked into the bedroom. Together we walked through his bedroom and into his bathroom. 

By us just being together, I could feel him become more relaxed. In hat short amount of time, he had definitely calmed down. 

He then proceeded to open a couple cabinets and get out rubbing alcohol, a towel, and some type of cream. He then effortlessly lifted me up, and gently placed me on the bathroom countertop.

"So what actually happened?" he asked me as be poured the alcohol onto the towel.

"I just went into the kitchen to get some breakfast, and she exploded on me. She started chasing me and tackled me to the floor." I explained. He gently placed the moistened towel against my skin, it burned. In reaction to this feeling, I gritted my teeth together and squeezed my eyes shut.

"But why? I mean she's usually just annoying not really violent." he said softly.

"It was about you. She says it's my fault that you don't want her." I said quietly. 

He let out a sigh and then started to apply a cream over my scratches.

"Does it feel better?" he asked as he finished putting the cream on my arms. 

"Yeah thank you." I said with a shy smile.

"Anything for you." he said as he leaned close to my body.

I took this opportunity and wrapped my arms around his neck, being careful not to get any of the cream on him.

He slowly leaned in and started to kiss my neck. His warm kisses warmed my body and especially my friend downstairs. I let out a small moan as he continued to suck at my neck. One of his hands gently touched the side of my neck to provide him with a better angel. 

Something about his hand on my neck caused a switch to turn in my head. And as much as I wanted to just be in the moment with him, I couldn't.

I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach, a feeling that made me feel overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by him and our relationship. I started to feel extremely uncomfortable in the situation I was currently in. 

"Please stop." I said, as I lightly pushed him back and got down from the counter top.

"Why? Are you in pain?" he asked with concern. I felt his eyes look me over, looking for any type of injury.

"No, I just need space." I said while letting out a breath.

"Space from what? Did I do something?" he asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice. His eyebrows then started to draw together, showing that he was thinking of something .  

"Is this about what happened last night?" he added.

"No..yes..I don't know." I said back to him.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" he asked with exasperation. His hands started to run through his hair to further enforce his mood.

"I think we should just take some space." I told him keeping my tone low.

"This is about what happened last night in the shower isn't it? Do you really think that I meant to hurt you?!" he said while raising his voice. 

"I don't know! You scare me sometimes." I said back defensively.

"How could I possibly scare you!? I literally held you will you slept last night! You seemed to feel pretty safe then." he yelled back at me. 

I could see the hurt in his eyes. A hurt that I just caused.

 I just need some time to think some things over in my head.

"I just need to think a little about everything. I-"

 "About us?" Lorenzo quickly said interrupting me.

"Yeah about us." I told him. After a short moment of silence, I turned to walk out of the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his head drop in defeat.

"I'll wait for you." he said loudly before I could get too far.

"What-?" I said quickly spinning around.

"You heard me. I'll wait for you, but I'm not pursuing you anymore." he said. "I'm not going to beg you to want me." 

And with that he brushed past me. 

I watched him slowly stride out of the bathroom and out the bedroom door.

When he was finally out of sight, I turned to look at myself in the mirror.

I saw that my mouth was hanging open, in shock.  

Raw Love Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now