Chapter Ten- Count To Five

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Cars and trucks sped past you as you made your way slowly down the sidewalk, deep in thought. I miss Prince, I miss the way it use to be just us, the way we did everything together…and nothing was more important than each other. You thought to yourself as you shoved your cold hands into your jean pockets. Your oversized boots made thumps against the concrete as you walked, hoping to run into Prince. The bright sun that was once shining above was beginning to slowly set, causing the sky to turn orange and pink. You used your hands to push your long, undone hair out your face.

Cans, wrappers, and papers littered the street as you peered down at your feet. You bit the inside of your mouth as you continued to think and walk. Before heading back to Kevin’s house you decided to walk around the neighborhood one more time, just in case Prince was close by. You walked down the long block Prince usually located himself. You glanced around, looking in between corners of buildings, searching in stores, and crossing back and forth between streets…and still nothing.

“Excuse me; but have you seen a boy a few inches taller than me, big curly hair, tan skin, oversized jean jacket?” you asked the old, homeless woman outside the super market.

The old woman looked around, as if expecting to see him a few feet away and then answered,

“Sorry… haven’t seen him. Hope you find him.”

You nodded your head and grinded your teeth together gently as you walked away. I’ll just check the block one more time, I’m sure I’ll run into him, you thought to yourself as you circled the block again.


You quietly shut the door behind you as you tip toed into Kevin’s house. It was around six thirty and you still hadn’t heard or seen Prince all day. The smell of dirty laundry, weed, cigarettes, and alcohol attacked your nose as you walked in. You emptied out the pockets of your damaged, leather jacket and then made your way through the house. You heard faint noise in the back of the house as you continued to creep through.

“Prince?” you called out in curiosity.

 The noise in the back of the house stopped when your voice echoed through the halls. You stopped walking for a second, wondering whether or not you should continue but you shrugged it off and continued walking.

“Prince are you in here? This isn’t funny!”

You peered into open bedroom doors but all of them were empty. You heard another sound coming from the main bedroom at the end of the hall and you halted.

“Prince…” you wondered. You walked over to the bedroom door and pulled it open and walked in. It was sort of dark and the only source of light was from the window which shown the evening sun.

The room had a large bed and night stand covered in powder, lights, and empty bottles nearby. A few feet above the bed was the window. Suddenly the door slammed behind you and you turned your head in shock to see Kevin and Darrell staring back you evilly. Their eyes were blood shot and sinister as they glared at you with sneaky grins.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here.”  You replied, walking over to the door but Kevin quickly blocked it.

“Where you off to so quick?” Darrell questioned, slightly getting up in your face. You backed up swiftly and uncomfortably looked around.

“I’m just looking for Prince so… I’ll just… go.” You whispered, trying to grab for the knob but Kevin swatted your hand away and laughed.

“He’s gone Sun.” Kevin replied glancing at Darrell with laughter.

“What are you talking about…what do you mean he’s gone?” you asked in confusion.

“He ran off with Cindy, said he was tired of taking care of your ass. Cindy was willing to do things you wouldn’t and he figured they’d be happier together.” Darrell added casually.

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