Chapter Sixteen- Matter Of Trust

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End of your POV

Without a second of hesitation, Sun burst into tears and almost collapsed onto the ground. Her body never had the opportunity to hit the ground because almost instantly, the gangsters grabbed onto her and began to drag her back into her room meanwhile Kane and Ray grabbed onto Prince.

“Get the fuck off of me!” Prince yelled as he swung his fists, struggling to throw Kane and Ray off his body but they were too powerful for him. Two gangsters held onto Sun meanwhile the other joined Ray and Kane in trying to subdue Prince.

“Get off him!” Sun screamed trying to pull away from the men’s grip. She yanked and tried to pull apart her body from their grip but it appeared to be impossible.

People in the party could hear everything that was happening but they didn’t dare say anything. They knew what kind of people Kane and Ray were; so instead they watched in silence from a distance.

The three men knocked Prince down and began to drag him to the back of the house, which lead to an empty basement down the steps. Prince clawed at the floor, trying to stop them but their strength was far more than his. Sun could hear his screams from down the hall and couldn’t’ bear it any longer. She elbowed one guard and kneed the other in the groan before running into the hallway to help Prince.

“Stop it!” she screeched dropping to her knees and grabbing onto Prince’s hands in attempt to pull him away from their grip.

“Someone help me! Please, somebody help!” Sun screamed frantically still holding onto Prince. Prince was screaming and struggling to keep his hands on Sun while the three men dragged his body savagely across the floor, near the steps.

Sun and Prince were both sobbing and cursing while everyone watched in intensity. Some were even beginning to leave. The two men that Sun had just assaulted got back on their feet and were now after her again. She was only a few feet away from the bedroom door so it didn’t take long for them to reach her.

“No!” Sun yelled as one of the men grabbed her by her hair and yanked her entire body up. The sudden hard snatch pulled back Sun’s neck and caused her to start whining.

“Prince!” she whimpered while being pulled off.

“Sun!” Prince cried back, nearing the steps. Ray had gotten tired of all the screaming so he grabbed his gun and hit Prince in the back of the head, knocking him out cold.


Prince’s body laid tied up in a chair for almost an hour before ice cold water was thrown upon his body, bolting him awake.  He blinked several times, adjusting to the dim lighting of the basement.  

Prince went to move his arms but immediately stopped when he realized that both of his arms were tied down beside him.

“Shit..” he murmured under his breath as he remembered everything that had occurred before being knocked out. He looked up from his lap and saw that he was surrounded by Kane, Ray, Sun and a large black man. The large black man was one of the guards from earlier and he was holding Sun against his body with her arms tied behind her back and his arm along around her neck loosely.

Dark makeup and tears drenched her face as she stood facing Prince. Prince looked back at her silently with a look of dread over his face.

“Let her go.” Prince whispered lowly. Kane’s face slowly twisted into a grin and he walked closer to Prince, suddenly pulling out his gun and whipping Prince across the face with it. The moment the gun hit his face, blood sprayed from mouth and Sun screamed.

Kane laughed at Sun’s reaction and then turned his attention back to Prince, with a smile still on his face,

“I do whatever the fuck I want. She wouldn’t be in this predicament if it weren’t for you.” Kane explained pacing slowly in front of Prince.

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