I have to get out

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Fear. Fear is the number one feeling when you live in this household. My father is a preacher and my mother is a stay at home mother. I am their only child. The day I learned that I had powers was when I was five years old. I made flowers bloom where there was no flowers before. Our family at the time was strict and very traditional. The man makes and controls the money so he is head of household. The women cook, clean, and make the husband feel like a king. Now I would never discriminate against people who live like this. If it works for you then live your life but for me this was a horror show. My father would get drunk and beat me to near unconsciousness. My mother instead of protecting me blamed me for being evil, so it was my fathers right to beat the evilness from me. Instead of praising me for a gift that could stop world hunger I was shamed and taken out of school. My mother decided that with more God in my life that I would stop being evil for no one should have the powers of God. At age 7, I was out with one of my new "Aunt" on a shopping trip. My father wasn't exactly a good preacher. I wanted money of my own so desperately. I wanted out of my current life. I wanted my freedom. As I passed an ATM, the money flowed out like a waterfall. I scooped up as much as I could along with my Aunt. For two weeks after that incident I was forced to fast and repent for my wicked ways as my father whipped each day seven times. After that each shopping trip I would lose my newest while she shopped and train this new power. I made a plan so that when I became 18, I could leave without looking back. My mother was either a complete dunce to never notice my father's infidelity or she simply turned a blind eye, but we both noticed that as I aged my father turned his eye on me. At age 9 he suddenly started becoming nicer and began giving me gifts. He got me a computer for my "school" work. He began giving me an allowance. I never spent an ounce of it. My mother became livid to the point she began beating me. The final straw was when, on my 10th birthday, my father came into my room completely drunk out of his mind and began touching me. He slapped me when I began to cry and try to make him stop but my mother barged in and began screaming at him. She wasn't being an outraged mother. She was upset because she finally caught him the act of his infidelity. The screaming match began and I hurried and packed all my things. My father had a safe in the kitchen that I knew the combination to and I cleaned it out and grabbed my savings. The argument went on for an hour before it began getting violent. I could hear them hitting each other and still screaming. I snuck out the back door and ran through the neighboring field. I spent the next two weeks living out my bag. I honed my nature ability and technological ability so that I could have enough money to stay off the grid. I hitchhiked until I got two towns over and began taking money from ATMs and using peoples credit cards. I became quite good at the stealing part. I have gotten used to having to be silent and keeping hidden. At the end of the two weeks I had gathered a large cache of about $5,000. I made my way to the nearest bus station. It took me until sunrise to get there. I didn't look to see where any of the buses were going I merely snuck behind a lady and tried to look like I belonged with her. I did not do a very good job. I was spotted by two security guards.
"Hey you stop!" The security guard called out
I was panicking by the time the security guards got closer to me. The lady in front of me must of sensed my panic because she stopped with me.
"Can we help you officers?" She asked
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience ma'am but we have reason to suspect that this child has been reported missing by her parents over a week ago." The other officer said
"I'm sorry you must be mistaken but this is my niece Kendra. We are on our way to our new house." She said before pushing me on board the bus
The officers look hesitant but they must have noticed how upset I was and I clung to the woman completing the look.
"We must be mistaken. We apologize for the misunderstanding ma'am." One officer said tipping his hat
"Of course good luck and finding the little girl." The lady said and she led me to the back of the bus with her
We sat in silence for the first 30 minutes of the ride.
"Now how about you tell me your story and we'll decide what we do from there, hmm?" She asked
I told her everything from my abusive father and mother to how I had been given powers. It was strange to open up to a complete stranger but I definitely needed to speak with someone.
"Well it seems like you've been on a crazy ride, kid. My name is Antonya Montgomery. I'm basically running from my own demons. This bus is headed to small town called Smallville. Its quiet, boring, and alot of farm land but my folks had a small farm up that way before they died. I inherited it along with some start up money. I'm the family screw up. I dropped out of college for a man who later left me which led to depression which led to drug addiction. In my parents final years I managed to kick the habit and start turning my life around. My siblings got everything else. The multimillion dollar company, the vacation homes, and the expensive cars but my parents left me my favorite place, The Montgomery farm. Since you seem to have a need to disappear I don't mind continuing this charade until you are ready to talk to a professional. Though I suggest sooner rather than later missy. We don't want extra trouble on our heads." Antonya said
I simply gasped and stared at her before hugging her hard. I finally had someone in my corner. I wasn't alone. Smallville was three states and multiple bus rides away. I was going to be excited to get there and start a new life.

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