A Time Forgotten

42 3 0

Your heart aches.
You don't know why.
Nor does it fade,
nor does it die.

Dust motes twirl in the air.
The sun streams in.
Thoughts settle beneath your hair.
Thoughts of tears and sin.

You smile sadly.
You can't go back.
You wished to, badly.
But it was a fact.

Those days are gone.
The bliss has left.
Sorrow begins to dawn.
You've already wept.

All you can do is walk.
Forward without stopping.
Keep talking the talk.
You can't afford dropping.

Life goes on,
as they all say.
The past is gone,
and the sky is gray.

You can't go back,
and change it.
Whether you lack
or have grit.

Chin up and go,
I tell myself.
I may have a foe,
but they have fell.

My only enemy is me,
my own mind.
Something I didn't see,
but with other mankind.

Now I take a step,
nothing else to do.
You might've leapt;
it was all for you.

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