Ch. 6: Consequences

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11/28/2022: Edited & reposted 


"Take off your clothes." He commanded; the hand that was still wrapped around your throat slackened a bit.

Your mouth fell open. "W-what?" You stammered, eyes widening in shock. Of all the things you'd expected him to say, that wasn't one of them. You froze, wondering if you had imagined it.

He released you and you took a step backward, gasping. Your fingers grazed your neck where his hand had been gripping you seconds ago. Your heart was pounding, and you weren't sure if it was from excitement or fear.

"You heard me."

As far as you could see, there were only two situations in which Kylo Ren would call you to his quarters and command you to undress: the first situation was that he was probably going to try to catch you off guard again in an attempt to penetrate your mind. The second situation was that you must have hit your head when you were drunk, ended up in a coma, and were having some sort of weird dream in an alternate reality. Both seemed equally plausible.

You were torn. On one hand, the earlier events of the day had left you... curious. On the other hand, you didn't particularly want the leader of the First Order to rummage through your every thought and memory. It terrified you how close he had gotten earlier that day in the training room. While you had never actively tried to resist his attempts to enter your mind in the past, you had been grateful that you had some element of privacy. You tried hard enough to forget where you had come from, and you didn't want to explain your pathetic past to someone else. You never really expected him to figure out a way in, which was obviously a huge lapse in judgement on your part.

At that moment, you decided you weren't going down without a fight. You could resist him if you tried hard enough.

Before you could fully figure out exactly how you would manage to keep him out of your thoughts, your shaking hands reached down to peel off your black socks. You needed to buy yourself some time. You looked up at him and smirked defiantly.

"Stop trying to tease me, little girl. Hurry up." His deep voice sounded strained through the vocoder. You gulped, trying to ignore the fact that while your stomach was in knots, you could feel a warm sensation in your lower abdomen that was not entirely unwelcome.

But you needed to focus. You couldn't let him get to you. Whatever this tactic was, you couldn't let him catch your mind off guard again. You considered making a run for it, but you know that wouldn't end well.

Cheeks burning, you tried to squeeze your thighs together tightly as you fumbled to get your shirt over your head. All the while he watched you, the only sound in the room was his breathing echoing through the mask. You felt all your good sense wavering as you unbuttoned your pants and slid them down your legs. Obviously you had felt sexual attraction before, but never like this. You were almost too overwhelmed by the sheer memory of his lips against yours, your body practically begging for him to do it again. You cursed your body in that moment, how it was betraying you. What the fuck was wrong with you?

Hello! This is your boss! Your mind seemed to scream. Yet your pulse quickened still.

You stood there in front of him in a simple black bra and underwear as goosebumps spread along your arms. That stupid part of you feared for a moment that he may not like what he saw, but then your master reached out and lightly ran his leather-clad fingers from your shoulder down to your wrist. Everywhere he touched you felt like fire had ignited your skin. You bit your lip and tried not to gasp at the sensation. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing what he was doing to your body.

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