Ch. 3: The Mission

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10/16/2022: Edited & reposted 


Despite your crowded apartment on Starkiller base, you mostly kept to yourself. When you weren't training, you tended to spend time in the library or even occasionally daring to trudge out into the snow to get some fresh air. Sometimes you would eat with Cardo and Vicrul in one of the various meal stations around the base, but even that sometimes felt forced. Just because they were made to accept you into their band of killers due to Snoke's demands, doesn't mean they truly saw you as a friend.

Of all the knights, Cardo was the closest you had to an actual friend. With his relaxed demeanor and easy ability to crack a smile, you felt he was the most approachable of them all. Cardo's bright green eyes stood out against his tan skin and unruly dark curls, and you pictured him fitting in well among the palms and waves of a tropical planet. You knew nothing of their lives before becoming knights, but sometimes you imagined Cardo with a curly-haired family, taking care of a beachfront shop. He went so far as to regularly invite you to go drinking with him and his brothers on your nights off, but you usually declined out of politeness to the other five—you knew the environment wouldn't be the same if you were there. Besides, you were well aware that they'd spend ample amounts of time at whatever pleasure house was nearest, and you knew that would either leave you at the bar alone or waiting for them back at the ship. Either one was pathetic. And you certainly couldn't see yourself seeking out companionship at a pleasure house. You held no ill will against the others, but... you couldn't help but think about what your mother would say. In your tribe—well, your old tribe—people mated for life. You no longer subscribed to that ideology, for you had long since given up on the customs that had once been sacred to you. But for some absolutely ridiculous reason, you still didn't want to disappoint your mother.

Vicrul was more of an acquaintance. The tallest and leanest of the knights, he would lend a polite nod and occasionally engage in small talk, but he was often reserved when you were around. Ap'lek and Kuruk were nice enough, though you rarely saw them. They spent most of their time on the Night Buzzard modifying the weaponry, only to inevitably destroy it on the next mission. When they were around, they bickered with each other incessantly and usually had everyone—including you—laughing in spite of their silliness. They misplaced everything and were constantly late. However, even Kylo had gotten used their antics and simply shook his head whenever they'd finally show up to training, covered in oil and forgetting half of their supplies.

Trudgen and Ushar were the only roommates that you truly went out of your way to avoid. Kylo's absolute right-hand men. Rarely seen without their armor and weapons, you had maybe only heard a few words from them since joining their ranks. Cardo did his best to assure you that it wasn't personal and that they were just very serious people. You didn't know if you believed him, but you didn't let it keep you up at night anymore. You doubted that they'd just leave you to die in battle, and that was really all that mattered.

You were lying in bed during a typical lazy afternoon watching a Holodrama on your data-pad—your guilty pleasure, which you would deny if asked—when you were interrupted by a message from Kylo Ren. He was calling the knights to an urgent meeting.

You quickly hopped out of bed and put on your simple black fighting leathers and combat boots that you wore for missions. Your uniform wasn't nearly as bulky and thick as that of your comrades, allowing you the element of speed and stealth due to your smaller size. You donned your black helmet over your bun and strapped your lightsaber into your belt, catching the other knights just as they were walking out of your shared quarters.

You walked in silence with the others through the base, watching as workers were careful to jump out of the way to allow the passage of your group. Something about it made you a little smug, knowing you had started your life as an insignificant villager and were now fighting for the First Order. People respected you. Well, at least when you were with the others.

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