Ch. 20: Something Truly Valuable

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When you opened your eyes, the immediate anxiety that crashed over you was only eased by the sound of familiar voices. You felt a weight on your chest, pounds and pounds of crushing steel on your beating heart. You tried to breathe deeply, staring at the gray paneled ceiling and listening to the voices.

They were arguing, but it was comforting somehow. Family. You could tell by the quiet whirring in the background that you were surrounded by stars.

"We could have taken the Millennium Falcon down if you would have just listened to me!" Kuruk's voice.

"Oh shut up, your aim was shit." Ap'lek, of course.

"Both of you shut up, I have a headache and Master Ren is going to be in a shit mood." Cardo.

"Hell no, I'm not dealing with that." Kuruk again.

"All this means is that we'll have another shit load of people crowding into our base." Cardo. You pictured him rolling his bright green eyes and rubbing his temples with his tanned fingers.

"I'm not sleeping on the Buzzard again."

"You'll do whatever you're fucking told to do." Vicrul.

You blinked a few times, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. You heard the shift in the engine for what you assumed was the landing, feeling the sudden pull of gravity as the ship docked. If you were on the Buzzard with the other knights, then that had to mean you were safe, at least for now. Maybe this landing meant that they'd hand you straight over to Kylo though, so he could have another chance at your life.

In your foggy memory, you could see a long hallway. He'd found you just outside the throne room. Something was burning. You couldn't remember anything after that, but judging by the force signature that lingered like tendrils of smoke on the edges of your mind, Kylo had forced you unconscious.

You slowly sat up, groaning with the effort. Your raw hands had been bandaged with thick, white gauze. You were about to attempt rising to your feet when Vicrul entered from the slim arch that led to the cockpit, taking a swig from a canteen.

"You know, I'm getting really tired of having to rescue you. It's very time consuming." He gave you a small smile despite his words. His dark hair was ruffled, and his clothes looked like they had seen better days. You wondered if they had been in the fire on the Supremacy somehow.

"I'm getting tired of having to be rescued." You said, but it came out as more of a whisper.

The engines quieted and cut off, leaving the room far too silent until Ap'lek and Cardo entered behind Vicrul, and Kuruk climbed up from the ladder that led below the deck.

"She's alive!" Ap'lek shouted. "You know, I'm honestly surprised you've made it this long in general. I lost the bet forever ago." He took the canteen from Vicrul and took a long sip before making a face. "Ew, this is just water."

Vicrul shot him a glare, but you croaked out, "You guys bet on how long I'd live?"

"No offense or anything. It was a long time ago, before we actually knew you." Ap'lek shrugged, completely oblivious and examining the canteen as if a hard enough stare might turn it into whiskey.

You gave him a small smile. "Who won?"

"I did." Cardo said quietly. He made a motion to step toward you, but then seemed to reconsider. He crossed his muscular arms and leaned against the wall instead. His lips were pressed into a thin line, but his bright green eyes shone with something that looked like relief. You watched him for a moment, comforted by his presence despite what had recently transpired between you. He really had always believed in you.

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