Draco was a mere few feet from the threshold of the room, the piano being seven or eight feet ahead of him, but as Adler turned around, he could see even from his far position the vibrant bruise that painted her eye and temple, the purples and reds screamingly harsh even in the flickering light of the lamps strewn about the room. Disgust ran through his stomach, and Draco couldn't decipher whether it was from his hatred for the girl, or the sick feeling was from her being in pain, because strangely enough, both feelings were competing in him.

Adler's elegant face screwed into a look of frustration as she regarded Malfoy's figure. "What the hell are you doing in here?" Her silvery voice asked.

"I could ask you the same. I thought others can't get into this room. It's mine," He spoke, trying to make his words casual even as the large presence of the dark cabinet in the corner of the room was threatening to take up all his attention.

Her long legs were clad in jeans that were rather tight and her sweater, though thick, still hugged her new curves softly, Draco noticed as she stood. Yes, over the previous summer she had grown into her former ridiculously lanky build, her body now more slight and refined, but he refused to acknowledge how it made his brain perk with interest that first day on the train, mostly because his abhorrence of her was still the feeling that overwhelmed him merely at the sight of her. She made a bratty remark about his father forcing him to play piano, which was actually true, to Malfoy's utter dismay as a child, but he, letting his gaze slip momentarily away from her, decided to needle her about that horrendous black eye she was sporting that looked like it still ached pretty terribly.

Draco let a sly snarl slip onto his mouth as he spoke. "None of your business, Adler. Nice black eye by the way. Must've been a pretty solid hit to get such a shiner." And because he couldn't help himself, hadn't been able to help himself this year around her, he walked forward a bit, her vanilla and bergamot scent that he had become so familiar with the past few months brushed his nose, and he wrinkled it slightly. He knew that it would bother her to bring up her injury so brashly, and the evidence of that was clearly stamped in Adler's expression as he looked at her.

"Fuck off," She retorted, though her voice waved ever so slightly. "I fell."

He couldn't hold in the laugh that built in his throat at her obvious lie, the sound sharp and mocking. "Sure, Adler. I'm not a fucking idiot. I know a black eye from a punch when I see it. Did your father finally get tired of your ugly face, or could he just not put up with his pathetic offspring anymore?"

Adler's face turned stone-cold, the way it always did when discussing her father. Draco hadn't been completely honest; really, Adler wasn't that ugly, and if she hadn't been a Muggle, he would've chased after her with the offer of a one-night stand or some sort of meaningless, purely physical relationship a year or two ago when he began to really notice girls. Her hair framed her face in a way that always made her look soft, even though her cheeks were high and her nose was straight and strong, and her voice had a way of hitting a certain button within him that always caught his stupid attention, even when he was feeling more repulsed by her than usual. It just was a damn shame she was so dirty and the simple sight of her made him want to retch in disgust. Never in a million years would Draco ever lower himself so much as to be with her. He'd rather die.

"I told you, Malfoy. I fell. Drop it," Alder said roughly, but he caught the sliver of pain that pierced her words, and he felt a similar feeling of... something run through him as it registered in Draco's mind the way she tightened up with fury and hurt.

Her fiercely dark eyes met Draco's, and he hoped that she hadn't seen his moment of openness, but he knew he was foolish to think that she didn't with the way her own shimmered in reply. He sat leisurely on the velvet couch, a bit tired from the day of travel. Her lie was ridiculous, and he hoped she didn't actually think he was stupid enough to believe it, even for a moment.

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