Holding Grudges Tends to Be Easier Than Finding Forgiveness

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"Well, then, Potter, I guess you're stuck with me." I said, even as the very thought of that made my hands shake. But maybe he would be different.

Harry's smile spread all the way to his eyes, and I leaned forward to brush the softest kiss against his smooth cheek, when I heard a very exaggerated retching noise coming from behind me.

"I think I'll actually be sick this time," Malfoy complained, nudging Goyle, who was standing there looking about as aware as a sack of rocks. "Look at them, the Boy Who Lived and his little Muggle toy," He sneered, his voice full of poison. "Should've known you two would end up together. You're both as repulsive and unbearable to be around. I feel sorry for the both of you."

"Shut your fat mouth, you dick," Harry shot back, stepping slightly in front of me, as if to protect me.

"I don't think I will, Potter . And Adler, you can't honestly tell me you like this, this," Malfoy gestured up and down at Harry. "This pathetic excuse for a wizard."

His face was still plastered with a disgusted look, his nose wrinkled with contempt, but I could've sworn there was an odd...dullness in his eyes, as if the fire of his words didn't quite reach them.

"As a matter of fact, Malfoy," I spat at him, squaring my shoulders and stepping out from behind Harry's frame, my chin high and my face utterly cold. "Harry is the best wizard I know, and the best person as well, especially compared to you, so piss off before I make you." The threat was empty, and I was pretty sure that everyone was aware of that, but Malfoy just stared at me a moment more as if he was searching for something before pushing Goyle out of his way and storming off, the former trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

We watched Malfoy retreat, then Harry turned to me. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't think about how this," he gestured between us, "would affect the way that git picks on you," He apologized, but it wasn't necessary, and I told him so.

"Malfoy will always find new ways to torment me, and you as well. We can't tailor our actions just so that he makes our lives less miserable," I said, shrugging. "I truly don't care what he says."

I did, and more than I would ever admit to any living soul, but that didn't matter. Harry walked me down to Hagrid's hut, the air biting every centimetre of exposed skin it could find, making me shiver more and more as we climbed down the hill. We were walking in serene silence, Harry's hand constantly brushing the back of mine, but the only thing I could think of was the look in Malfoy's eyes during our exchange. Sure, his words had been awful, that was nothing new, but there was something missing in his piercing gaze that I had become so familiar with. He had thrown angry, hateful glances at me since we met, but that one was different and it bothered me that I couldn't figure out what it was. I needed to figure it out, because I knew I wouldn't be able to think about anything else until I did.

I chewed on my lip as I thought, the warmth of Hagrid's hut slowly wrapping us up as we approached. We stopped just outside of the little group that was forming outside of Hagrid's, Harry giving me a smile.

"Alright, Ms. Adler, here's your stop. That'll be...ten quid!" Harry joked, and I grinned, pushing his shoulder, the normalcy feelings almost overwhelmingly wonderful.

"Yeah, right, Potter. Like that was worth ten quid," I replied.

Harry put his hand over his chest. "You've wounded me, Adler. I shall never be healed again!"

I let out a loud laugh, making some of the gathered students turn around and look at me, making me blush. "Okay, enough with the dramatics. You're making a scene," I said, though there was no fire to my words.

Choice's Curse {d.m.}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin