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ok yeah I've been gone and also I deleted the last 3..4? chapters because they were going nowhere and after re-reading them I didn't like them aha this book is a mess sorry

listening to the Once Upon A Time score while writing this :) man I miss that show can't believe it ended like three years ago 

this chapter takes place right after the last one ended btw

 recap of what has happened so far: Peter has been crushing on y/n for a while and after seeking guidance from Tony-who is unaware that the girl Peter likes is y/n-Peter planned to go with Tony's advice and tell her how he feels. However on the day he planned to tell her he found out that Ned also likes y/n. This is all happening while a 10 foot lizard wreaks havoc on the city. y/n is convinced that the lizard is actually Dr. Curt Connors-a brilliant biochemist  who is looking to create a cure that can allow humans to regenerate limbs, by using lizard DNA-Dr. Connors also happened to disappear from the public eye prior to his lab being broken into. Peter thinks her theory sounds crazy while Ned thinks it could be possible. y/n wants to help in tracking down the 10 foot lizard while Peter wants her to stay out of it-fearing for her safety. 

word count: 2,214

y/n stood in front of Peter with raised eyebrows, her head was still tilted waiting for his response. "Ok y/n..." Peter began to say, closing his eyes. He put his fingers against his temple before pulling them away to look her in the eyes properly. "That doesn't really mean anything, that's just a coincidence."

y/n's face dropped, giving Peter a 'really' look. "mhm" 

"y/n seriously, you're thinking about it too much. It's probably nothing, just forget about it, ok?" He turned back around, walking a few more feet before taking a right into an alley way. 

"Peter." y/n groaned, following him a few feet behind, "I'm serious. Come on-you have to admit it makes sense!" She turned around-facing the other way while Peter changed into his costume behind a dumpster. 

"Not really." He disagreed, "Sure someone broke into Dr. Connors's lab and stole some stuff-it's New York."

"And the Lizards in the sewers? What if he's mind controlling them?!" y/n seemed to get more excited as she threw her hands in the air with her words."You know-kinda like how Ant Man does that with ants!" 

"y/n..." Peter was done changing, mask in hand and backpack on the ground, he put his hands on her shoulders turning her around to look her in the eyes, then dropped his arms at his sides. "The lizards probably just got out after the break in and went to the sewers, the lab getting broken into is just something that happens a lot in the city and Dr. Connors probably just hasn't been seen much since he was just robbed recently."

y/n pouted, crossing her arms. "You're just in denial." She informed him, "but if you won't believe me then I guess I'll just have to get some evidence."  

"no y/n, that's a terrible idea!" He told her with wide eyes, suddenly grabbing her hands out of instinct. "I don't want you getting into trouble."

y/n looked down at their hands, playing with his fingers. "I just want to help you."

Peter's worry dropped and a small smile made it's way onto his lips. "I know." He looked down at their hands-letting go unexpectedly and cleared his throat with furrowed eyebrows. "I don't want you to get hurt though-so just stay out of it, please?" y/n opened her mouth to answer when Peter pulled his mask on and grabbed his bag all in one movement and began to swing away. "I'll see you later!" He called back, disappearing in the city sky. y/n stood alone in the alley staring at nothing as she hugged her library book close to her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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