"What time you gotta leave here for graduation?" I Asked.

"I gotta leave here by 8 to be with everybody else." She said still into her phone."

"Then why you aint getting ready. And you know you take long to get ready." I said to her.
Girls normally take hours to get ready.

"I do not take long to get ready. You capping."

" Am I? I said looking at her.
Fo'real Ma you gotta start getting ready it's Almost 6.

"Imma go make breakfast first tho." She said.

"Word ma."

I watched her as she walk out the room.

"Damnn Kaylin. What You doing to a nigga." I said to my self.

When she left the room. I walk in the bathroom to take my shower.

I spent 30 minutes in the bathroom before walking out. I open my drawer that had all my under wear and 2 of my guns.

I put on A white tank top and a underwear.

I walk in the closet to see if I could find anything to wear for Kaylin's graduation. I wanted to be there for her because other from her Bestfriends she has nobody else to support and congratulate her.

After looking for 5 minutes i found a black jeans pants. I put it on Then went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen counter and sit on the stool that was always there.

"This smell good ma." I said to her

"Wait until you taste." She said.

She dished my breakfast and put it right in front of me.

"I'm going up to get ready." She said.

"Word. Can you press my shirt please boo? It's on the bed."

"Why you never ask me that when i was pressing my gown?" She Asked walking  up the steps.

"I never know I was gonna wear that one." I shrugged.

"You have too much." She said stopping looking at me.

"Look who's talking. Your stuff full your closet and mine." I said turning around to look at her.

"Boy bye." She said continuing her journey up the steps.

I finish my breakfast and went upstairs to my room to get my shirt on. Kaylin was in the shower in the other room


It's now 8am and Kaylin Isn't Ready.

"Kaylin you ready yet?" I yelled through the house.

"I'm almost finish." She shouted from one of the rooms.

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