⋇- 28: Request -⋇

Start from the beginning

"Marius, Miria," called Kraden, "can you give us privacy for a moment? I would like to talk to my nephew."

Miria nodded. "Sure. I'll take this opportunity to prepare lunch. Big brother, will you help?"

"Yeah," said Marius. "Like this, I'll upgrade my cooking skills; living alone isn't easy."

The duo walked away with Miria teasing her brother by telling him to find a partner to live with him or return home if he wanted to have delicious homemade food. Marius laughed at his sister's suggestions as he opened the door and disappeared together with her into the house.

Kraden patted En's shoulder and showed him a place to have a seat. Not far from them, En saw the only bench in the garden. He quickly made himself comfortable and observed his surroundings in silence. The residence's garden wasn't so large and only a small number of plants beautified part of it.

"So what is it?" asked En, breaking the brief silence.

"I was hoping the little stroll you had with Regina, a few days ago, would bring you back to your senses," replied Kraden, his tone concerned. "I see that your feelings are still controlling you."

En relaxed his back against the wooden bench, realizing that he was about to be reminded about the reason behind his challenge again. But no matter what Kraden or Regina would say, the intent to avenge his parents was still strong.

Ever since he could remember, that man only tortured him mentally whenever he had the opportunity. There was no way he would fight against Belinsk until he won or his opponent forfeited. That man had to pay for his sins and death was the rightful punishment.

"I understand how you feel." Kraden caressed En's dark head. "I would certainly think of revenge if I were in your shoes, too. But the feelings of vengeance can be our ruin instead of being our strength."

En didn't say anything, allowing the silence to fall for a brief moment.

"If it wasn't for his carelessness that day," continued Kraden, "your father would still be here. He had an advantage during that battle and he would have certainly won. But he let his feelings blind him and lost his life."

If En didn't know the truth about what happened in that battle, he would definitely be surprised that his father lowered his guard and allowed emotions to get the better of him. After all, his father always taught him not to let weak feelings control him and his father always looked as if he had mastered that. 

But he understood that moment of weakness. No one would remain calm after finding out their beloved wife was murdered and the murderer was standing right in front of them.

"We still have five days, so I'm hoping by then, your feelings might have calmed down a little," said Kraden. "It would be devastating to lose you, too in such a short time. Maybe we can do something else instead of training. I think it's not helping much in calming you."

En agreed with him in silence, still not believing that his aunt and uncle thought he would need to train to defeat Belinsk.

"Maybe we can do something as a family," said Kraden thoughtfully.

En gazed at him. "That wouldn't be bad."

"Yeah," teased Kraden. "Who knows, these activities with the family might bring back your senses."

En looked away as he let out quiet laughter. He understood Kraden's intentions, but still, En didn't know if he would be able to fight to reclaim his throne only.

The sound of relaxing music pushed away En from his thoughts. When he looked by his side, he saw Kraden grab his phone.

"I have to answer this." Kraden stood up and then looked at En. "We didn't talk much, but I hope your feelings change and you only focus on the throne."

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