Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Marys POV

The door slid open with an aggressive bang. The man standing there smirked and then crouched down, growling and showing off his sharp teeth and red eyes. Cora growled the ran towards him, ignoring all protests from Derek and myself. The man grabbed her by the neck and slammed her down to the ground.

"Ready for a rematch?" The man asks Derek. Then a girl walks in with no shoes on. She growled just like the man had and Derek runs towards her. Derek and her fight, her swiping at him with her feet and when Derek flips her to the ground, he lets out a loud roar, his eyes turning their Alpha-red. Suddenly the girl jumps and grabs the pipe Cora had previously been doing pull-ups on. I stood in the exact same place, very confused, wondering whether I should join in the fight and help out Derek. When the girl hit Derek in the face with the pipe was when I gasped, making the man turn his head towards me. My eyes stayed focused on Derek though, when the girl stabbed him through his middle. Then another man walked into the room with a cane.

"Everybody done?" The man with a cane asks, "Cause just listening to that was exhausting."

"If you don't mind me asking who are you?" I ask, my voice small.

"Well, I'm Deucalion, but we'll get to that later, Mary," He says before walking towards Derek. How did he know my name? This was all too confusing for me, "So," He bends down to Derek's level, "Let's chat." He smirks.

"Sorry about this Derek, I asked Kali to be gentle but-" The man continues before being cut off.

"This is me being gentle." The girl, Kali, says before twisting the pipe in his stomach.

"Let her go." Derek struggles to say. Deucalion waves and the other man lets go of Cora. She stands up and begins to run towards him but Derek shakes his head. She then chooses to stand beside me.

"See, we're not unreasonable." Deucalion says.

"What do you want? You want to kill me?" Derek manages to ask.

"You really think I'm that boring? Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your uncle. I'm a man with far more vision than simple murder. In fact I'm here to show you just how much vision a blind man can have." He says, while taking off his glasses and flashing his eyes bright red. Something about them were darker than when Derek did it. Kali twists the pipe again and Derek begins to spit up blood.

"You're killing him." Cora yells before I put a hand on her shoulder and pull her back.

"Not yet, little sister. But I could," Kali says with a smile on her face. She disgusted me, especially those feet, "Who knows if it's five minutes or five hours before it's too late to take this thing out. But just to be on the safe side Deuc you might want to get to the point." She finishes and Derek spits out more blood.

"Now you see the on problem about being in an Alpha pack," Alpha pack? Derek really needs to learn to tell me about things before we get killed, "Everybody wants to make the decisions. Me? I'm more about discovering new talents. Like you," He looks at Derek, "And you." He looks at me.

"We're not interested." Derek breathes out.

"But you haven't even heard my pitch."

"You want me to kill my own pack?"

"No. I want you to kill one of them. You do that and I won't have to ask you to kill the others. You'll do it on your own. I did it, Ennis did, Kali did." They all smile as he says that, "Tell him what it's like Kali. To kill one of your own."

"Liberating." She smiles.

"Listen to her Derek. You really want to say beholden to a couple of maladjusted teenagers bound to become a liability? And believe me, they will become a liability. In fact I have a feeling one of them's getting themselves into trouble right now," He says, "As for Mary, you don't have to kill anyone since you don't have a pack."

"But I'm not an Alpha." I say.

"Not yet, but you are a rare species." Deucalion says.

"Might I ask, what am I?"

"Well who am I to tell you your own fate?"

"So no?"

"No," He says before turning back to Derek, "See, the reason I'm always investing in new talent is simple. We all know a pack is strongest due to it's individual parts. The stronger the individual parts, the greater the whole. When I lost my sight, one of my betas assumed I wasn't fit for my role anymore, he tried to take it from me. Killing him taught me something about Alphas I didn't know they could do. His power was added to mine. I became stronger, faster, more powerful than I'd ever been. I tested the ability to consume another's power for your own by killing another one. In fact, I killed them all. I took the great individual parts and became a greater individual whole. You're right Kali he looks like his mother. You'll get to know me Derek. Like she did."

"I know you," Derek says, more blood spilling from his mouth, "I know what you are. You're a fanatic."

"Know me? You've never seen anything like me. I am the Alpha of Alphas. I am the apex of apex predators," As he's saying this his voice gets darker and thunder sounds from outside, "I am death, destroyer of worlds. I am the demon wolf!" Me and Cora cower against the walls. Kali pulls the pipe out of Derek and he falls to the ground. Deucalion mumbles something before walking out with Kali and Ennis by his side. I run towards Derek, sliding on my knees, Cora right behind me. We both pull him onto his bed. Somehow I don't think this day can get any worse.

// Ok so sorry this chapter is short but next chapter will be really long soooo ya. Vote/comment if you liked it. Also if you have an idea of who should play Mary comment below bc I still haven't found anyone yet. I would like to take this time to thank all of you lovely people who read my book <3 Have a good day!

xx Claire

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