Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Marys POV

"It always has to be the one with eggs." Chris sighs as he drops one of his grocery bags. I held back a laugh. He lifts open the trunk and starts to put the bags in. I bring over my two bags and load them in. As he closes the trunk, all of a sudden he pulls out a gun. He turns around and points it at Scott. I was shocked, I hadn't even heard or seen Scott walk up to us.

"Uhhhhhhh hi." Scott starts. Chris still has his gun pointed at him. I feel sorry for Scott, Chris clearly hates him for the whole Allison thing.

"First of all, why would I care about anyone related to Derek," I purse my lips and hold back a comment, "And second, I don't know this kid, Boyd. I don't even know his last name."

"Boyd is his last name." What? Then why did everyone call him by his last name?

"What's his first name?" Chris asks.

"Vernon." Oh.

"Well, that's an unfortunate name." I butt in. They both ignore me, obviously since it's a pretty serious conversation with a gun.

"Is there a reason the gun is still pointed at me?" Scott asks. I was wondering the same thing.

"There's probably some part of me that still wants to shoot you." Chris says.

"Chris, I don't think that's a good idea." I state. Shooting a kid in the middle of a parking lot sounds like a horrible idea. Granted, he is supernatural and will heal but the principle is still the same. And they ignore me. Again.

"I get that." Scott says. Oh boy, this kid i just asking to be shot. Chris sighs then puts his gun back into his jeans. He walks towards Scott.

"Scott, I watched my father brainwash my daughter. Almost turned her into a killer. That world, your world, decimated mine. My wife, sister, father, my entire family. Why would I ever step foot into it again." Chris' speech was very touching. I understand his pain. This world of supernatural tore apart my world. I lost everything. I even lost my life at one point.

"Because people are going to die. And because you know how to stop Boyd and Cora without killing them. Ask Mary. Earlier tonight she was ready to tear apart everyone in this town. Like Boyd and Cora will do if we don't stop them." Chris looks at me and I nod. I had forgotten to tell him about my whole 'I'm a supernatural being' thing.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you." Chris turns and start to walk back to the car. He motions for me to follow. I give a small smile to Scott before turning around.

"Uhhhhhh do you think you could do me like one tiny favor?" Scott asks, making us both turn around. Chris nods and Scott runs past me into the front seat. I roll my eyes and open the door to the back seat.

As we drove, I explained to Chris about how I'd gotten bit by the Alpha, 500 years ago. We pulled up next to a sign that read 'Community Pool'. There were tons of flashing lights and policemen. Chris looked at the crime scene in horror.

"Thanks again for the ride." Scott said before unbuckling his seat belt and reaching for the door. Chris slapped his hand on Scott's shoulder, to stop him from exiting.

"They did this?," Chris asked, "Boyd and uh-"


"Where's the last place you saw them?"

"Just wondering, does that mean we are about to go track down some werewolves? Because that would be incredible." I said, resting my head on the armrest in between them. Chris just rolled his eyes.

As we walked into a clearing in the woods, I noticed Derek and Isaac were already here. Derek's eyes widened when he saw me and he sent me a little glare. Probably because he sent me to go home and here I was, back in all this mess. I gave him a little shrug and looked over at Chris. He just nodded, understanding my situation but not being happy with it. I was too busy staring at him that I jumped when Chris slammed down a giant duffel bag. A metal clink sounded from inside it as he dropped it.

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