Boys Life of Despair: Part 14 [Deadly Life]

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"Jeez, you even checked in her mouth?" Mondo seemed taken aback by Kyoko's commitment "and why does the fact she didn't take in any water or gas matter?"

"Because it eliminates the possibility that she could have been drowned in the pool," Sakura explained in Kyoko's place "and also, the killer did not drug her into unconsciousness."

"Well, duh, there's no drugs or shit like that in this school, right?" Mondo asked.

"Well, there certainly isn't any in the storage area," Taka revealed "ever since it opened up, I check the storage area at least once a night, maybe even twice, and I can confirm that there were only two items missing from it yesterday."

"What were those two items?" Sakura asked.

"Just a duffel bag and a track jacket. I didn't think they were related, so I never brought it up." he told her.

"A-Ah, actually..." Chihiro told him "I'm the one who took those things. I came up here and met with Mondo to exercise last night, and I brought those with me to help."

"Ah, I see, well, that's one mystery we can cross off our list!" Taka smiled "thank you for your help!"

"I didn't really do anything though..." Chihiro chuckled awkwardly.

"Hm..." Kyoko thought "say, Chihiro. When your investigation is over, can you come talk to me? I'd like to go over my information with you. I trust your group to find out the majority of details about this murder."

"Huh? Um...sure!" Chihiro promised.

🔫Kyoko's Account added to the Truth Bullets🔫

"So what did you guys find?" Chihiro asked, as her group headed towards the duo of Hina and Celeste "anything important?"

"Actually, we've gathered all the important evidence we found, and are trying to connect the dots if you will," Celeste explained "before I explain that, I would like you to see something..."

Celeste stepped out of the way, and Chihiro felt herself gasp, as she saw what the goth was concealing. On the floor, lining alongside the pool, were footprints made in blood.

"Huh!?" Mondo exclaimed "wh-who's footprints are these?"

"Well," Celeste explained to him "from a first glance, the shoes that seem to have made these prints appear to be high heels or high heeled boots, like the one's that I wear myself..."

"But Celeste already compared her shoes to the prints and...they're not hers...So I was thinking, there's only one other person who wears those types of shoes and..." Hina explained "that's...Junko. Actually, this morning, I found her loitering around this area...I don't know what she was doing though."

"So you think these are Junko's footprints?" Taka asked "what do you suppose that means?"

"It's obvious, is it not?" Celeste asked "this is rather incriminating evidence, and it points directly to Junko Enoshima being the killer..."

"We can't say that for sure yet," Taka firmly told her "until we gather every last ounce of evidence, we cannot say for certain who is and isn't the culprit."

"Well, I applaud you for thinking rationally, despite the situation," Celeste smiled "if that is the case, I will put a pin in this conversation for now."

"Couldn't Junko her shoes to the prints like you did?" Mondo suggested.

"That is up to her..." Celeste replied bluntly.

🔫Bloody footprints along the side of the pool added to the Truth Bullets🔫

"Ok, so what else is there?" Chihiro asked.

"Well, Toko died from a slit throat, right?" Hina asked "we think we found the murder weapon..."

She held up what she believed to be the weapon that did the author in.

"Huh? Are those...scissors?" Mondo asked.

"Yeah," Hina replied "they're completely clean, but Sakura and I found them at the bottom of the pool, under Toko's body, so the blood might've washed off. Though swimming in a pool of blood really isn't nice...I don't think a million showers could ever make me clean..."

"Well, let it be known your cooperation and willingness to pull through this investigation is greatly appreciated." Taka assured her, affectionately patting her on the back as he did.

🔫Very sharp scissors added to the Truth Bullets🔫

"But where did those scissors come from?" Celeste asked "could they perhaps have been in the storage area? That is the only place I can think of."

"No, that cannot be it," Taka told her straightforwardly "The previous night, the only things that were missing were the track jacket and duffel bag Chihiro took when she went to train with Mondo. Furthermore, there is nothing within the storage area that could be potentially used as a weapon, or in the very least, nothing that could cause any cuts like Toko's fatal injury."

"So Chihiro ignored our night-time curfew rule?" Celeste seemed rather surprised, but Chihiro rolled her eyes.

"You already knew that," she reminded her "you caught me in the storage area."

"Oh, right, of course," Celeste recalled "you said you were coming up here to exercise this evening? I assume Mondo was with you then?"

"That's right. That a problem?" Mondo asked. Celeste shook her head.

🔫Taka's Account added to the Truth Bullets🔫

🔫Celeste's Account added to the Truth Bullets🔫

"And is that everything?" Chihiro asked.

"One more thing," Celeste stepped out of the way again to reveal one more object "Kyoko wanted us to bring one of these in here to check something. Oddly enough, there was one right by the door."

"What's that? A dumbbell?" Taka recognized the object, failing to notice the blue complexion that spread across Mondo's face.

"Kyoko said that the killer knocked Toko out before killing her, and there was a mark in her head to prove it," Hina exclaimed "she wanted us to bring in one of these to check if this may have been what they used."

"Did you get that from the girl's changing room?" Chihiro asked, to which Hina nodded.

So, if the dumbbell came from the women's changing room...Then that probably means...

🔫Large Dumbbell added to the Truth Bullets🔫

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