Chapter 3: Shock, Awe, & Tears

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Chapter 3

Shock, Awe, and Tears

Her dad looks at her surprised. "You got the job?" He asks shocked. She nods her head enthusiastically smiling from ear to ear. He shakes his head, then says, "In London?" She nods her head again. With each question he asks her excitement dies thinking her dad would at least show a little bit of some happiness. Instead, she just sees concern on his face.

"What is it," she asked her dad, "aren't you happy for me at all?"

She started to look sad. Her dad grabs her hand saying, "Of course, I'm happy for you. Maybe, you should tell me the details. That will probably help me worry less." She quickly explains all the things they are going to cover leaving the pay until the end. Once she tells him what she would be making a year his eyes got big as saucers leaning back putting his sandwich down, he asks, "They offered you how much?"

"They offered me $65,000 a year dad," she said zealously. "I know. That was my reaction, too. I can't believe it dad." Adeline says, "England! The kids even get to go. Can you just imagine? I bet they would even let you come and stay with us." Her dad nods his head while she babbles on. Looking somewhat worried the whole time. They quickly finish up knowing Adeline had to go back to work and she didn't want to be late.

As she gets up to leave, her dad gives her a hug saying, "I'm proud of you for chancing your dream. I always knew you were capable and can't wait to see what this has in store for your life."

Glancing at her dad noticing the worried look on his face as she pulled out of the driveway, she sighed thinking, Can't anyone just be happy for me for once. Just enjoy the moment with me before they start dashing all my dreams. She turns her car back toward town and doesn't waste time returning to work not wanting to make Alisha mad. She pulls into the alley as not to push her luck today. Quickly she walks around the building smiling at the people she passed on the sidewalk and waving to other shop owners or employees. It's a good day, she thought to herself, and I ain't going to let anyone bring me down. Little did she know what was ahead of her that day.

Walking back into the store Alisha gives her the usual annoyed glance. "Enjoy your visit with your dad?"

Smiling Adeline said "Yes. Thank you for the lunch break."

Alisha smiles all too sweetly, "Of course." She then says, "There was a bunch of inventory delivered while you were gone. Suppose you should jump on that for while I'm here to run the front."

Adeline sighs thinking, Well, Alisha, that's your job and why I left it to pile up for you while you were gone on another vacation. Moaning internally, she nods and walks toward the back. Before she knows it, she heard one of her kids' voice from the front of the shop. Looking up she realized she had been knee-deep in new merchandise for well over two hours. Standing up she walks to the front to find her kids.

Going out seeing the direction of Alisha's annoyed gaze she heads that way. Expecting to find her children there. And she did. They were looking at the new crystals that came in that she had put out last week. "Kids put those down please and come to the back." She spares a glance at Alisha. Seeing her still annoyed look, she hurries them along to the back where the break room is to set them up to do their homework while she finishes up.

Walking back to the storeroom she finds Alisha waiting on her, impatiently. "I have told you before if they need to come here after school, they must hang out in the break room Adeline."

Sighing, she looks at Alisha saying, "I know. They were just looking at the new crystals. They both love them. No harm was done."

"Either way, they are to go straight to the back."

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