Chapter 2: Day in the Life

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Chapter 2

Day in the Life

March 2, 2017

Adeline jumped up quickly in bed, glancing toward the clock beside her bed groaning. The alarm didn't wake her it was 6:45 am. She had about 20 minutes to get the kids up, ready, fed, and off to school. Jumping out of bed she runs to grab a shrug to throw over her PJs. Then goes into the bathroom using it quickly and throwing her hair into a ponytail. She groans at the dark circles under her eyes. Oh well, it is what it is. She hustles out her room and down the hall.

Stopping at Moragana's bedroom door she throws it open flipping the switch, "Moragana," says Adeline impatiently, "get up we overslept."

Moragana groans "Okay, mom, okay I'm up."

Adeline stands there a few more seconds to make sure she doesn't lay back down before she continues down the hall. Stopping to pat the dog, she tells him she will let him out soon.

Adeline gets to Alexander's door and knocks before opening it. "Alexander," says Adeline, "time for school. So, hurry up, son. We're running behind this morning. Mom overslept. Make sure and brush your hair and teeth before you come downstairs."

He said, "Okay, mom."

As she goes to walk off, she said, "And don't forget deodorant also."

"I know," she hears him grumble.

Hurrying down the steps, she lets the dogs outside to potty while she goes to start warming the water for her cappuccino. She's going to need a few of those to make it through the day.

Grabbing two packets of oatmeal from the pantry, she walks over and puts the kettle on the eye and turning it on high. Grabbing two bowls, she empties the packets in them. She then goes to the fridge to grab butter and milk she puts a small slice of butter in each bowl and a dash of milk. Just then the kettle whistles loudly. She takes a potholder over to pick up the kettle and carries it to the counter. Pouring some in each bowl, then setting the kettle aside while she stirs them. Each kid, of course, likes it different, Alexander soupier. While Moragana likes it thicker. Making sure to get it right, she sets it in front of their stools at the bar to cool a bit. She grabs a banana and two saucers. She cuts the banana in half, then into slices, and sets the saucers beside their bowls. She then grabs some apple juice from the fridge and walks over to grab three mugs. She quickly pours the kid's juice as she hears one coming down the steps. Sitting their mugs with their breakfast, she walks over to the Keurig and makes her cappuccino. Turning slightly to see Alexander enter the kitchen first and say, "Oatmeal, again?!"

Sighing out loud, Adeline replies, "Yes oatmeal. We're running late. Now sit and eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

She hollers upstairs, "Moragana, hurry up or you won't have time to eat." Alexander is always first down, she thinks to herself, Moragana takes longer than I do to get ready.

Grabbing her now full mug of cappuccino she walks to the fridge adding Mocha creamer. She then walks back to the cup cabinet to search for the lid. After a few failed attempts she finds it in the back of the cabinet. Where one of the kids apparently tossed it after unloading the dishwasher. Sighing loudly, she asks Alexander what he thinks is taking his sister so long.

He shrugs, "You know how she is mom."

Looking at the clock above the pantry door, it says 6:59 am. Starting toward the stairs about to tell Moragana again she almost runs into her in the small hallway leading to the kitchen.

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