Lovers Field- Aaron

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I laughed because I couldn't cry. Not here, not now. So I just laughed with Benji in the middle of the night.

"I wanna go to where I first saw the stars." He said.

"Where's that?" I asked.

"Lovers field." He said. "Wanna come?"

"Now?" I asked.

"Why not." He said. I knew that the last place I wanted to go right now was Lover's field. But Benji made me wanna go, so I just smiled and nodded. Benji grabbed my hand and we ran over to Jordan's house. Benji was able to convince Jordan to borrow his family's car.

We drove up to the field and I could feel my heartbeat get faster. We got out of the car and ran up into the field. Benji smiled and looked up at the stars.

"Aaron can I tell you something?" 

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