The Clouds Cover the Stars- Aaron

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It was two in the morning, and I was still awake. Benji dropped me off at home about two hours ago, but I didn't wanna go inside. So instead I just walked around the neighborhood. The occasional car passed by, probably wondering why I was just walking around at night.

The street lamps were illuminating the black ground. I kept walking, one foot in front of another, until I couldn't even figure out where I was going. I finally sat down on the side of the street and stared up at the stars.

Why was I here anyway? Why were my eyes staring at the stars, I didn't even like the stars. I should look away now, I was staring at them for too long.

Two hours and twenty-three minutes. I stared at them for two hours and twenty-three minutes that night, the air was sticky. My clothes were blowing gently in the wind, and the car was flipped over on its side. Two hours and twenty-three minutes of staring at the stars.

I looked down quickly, and stared at the pavement. I wish I could forget that night, and I wished more than anything I could stop it. But here I was, still alive, and staring at the pavement.

How pathetic, to be afraid of stars.

"Hey loser!" A voice laughed. I looked up and saw Naiomi, driving down the road, waving frantically. "Get in! Dad is worried about you." I stood up and opened the door to the car.

"How'd you find me?" I asked and sat down.

"You didn't get very far, I just drove around the neighborhood a little bit." She said. "Are you still avoiding the stars?"

"Uh, yes." I told her.

"I thought therapy was helping."

"It was, it is." I told her.

"I want food." She sighed. "Oh what about McDonalds?"

"Uh sure." I replied.

"Hm McDonalds fries, and a milkshake..." She murmured. It was two seventeen now, and I was still wide awake. We drove down the street as Naiomi repeated her order over and over again.

The clouds were starting to cover the stars, and so now I could look up at the sky. We pulled into the McDonalds drive through as Naiomi ordered. I got a small order of fries and started to eat as we drove home.

I was getting tired now, finally. But the only thing I could think of once my head hit the pillow was Benji, what was I going to tell Benji. 

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