Breakups- Benji

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My parents were out at their new jobs working, and I was home alone. Aaron was having some family game day and therefore I had no one to talk to. It was around two in the afternoon when the doorbell rang. I got up to look outside, Jordan was standing there, he looked tired. I opened the door and smiled at him, but he just walked in and sat down on the couch.

"Hey, why are you here?" I asked.

"She broke up with me." He said tiredly.

"Oh." I said and sat down in a chair.

"Two years of my life, all for nothing." He said quietly.

"Why'd she break up with you?" I asked.

"She said I was too boring, and didn't care enough about her."

"She wasn't worth it." I told him.

"What do you know about relationships, Benji. You've only been in one and it ended after one week like we are in middle school. You've never even been in love." He sighed.

"Yes I have." I responded quickly, and the second I said it I wish I didn't.

"Really? Who?" He asked. I took a breath and looked at him.

"Aaron." I said. He thought back and nodded.

"I remember him. Does he like you back?" He asked. I shrugged and sighed, it all seemed so weird.

"I guess Sam was right." I muttered.

"Forget Sam, go get Aaron dude! He is all that's really important right now." Jordan smiled. "Kate never understood love, but I can tell you do dude. Don't lose this."

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I grabbed it. There was a single text from Aaron, one text that could change everything.

we need to talk

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