Fanta or Coke- Benji

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Star boy's friends hate him, mine just forgot about me. Star boy's friends want him off the face of the Earth, mine think I moved to the moon. Star boy's friends tried to steal me away, mine couldn't care less.

So why was I here, sitting on the couch of Jordan's house. While Nick and Sam played ping pong, and their girlfriends sat on the ledge and laughed. No one was paying attention to me, I was invited out of pity. I liked it, no one cared, that's how it should be.

"Anyone want some fries?" Nicole asked. A murmur of agreement followed.

"Guys! Good news!" Jordan exclaimed. Everyone looked up at him and waited for him to elaborate. "Our friend Benji over here has some news." Everyone's eyes shifted over to me, I didn't like it.

"I-I do?" I asked.

"Of course you do idiot! Tell them." He looked at my confused face. "About Lilith."

"Oh right!" I said, trying to sound excited. "I have a girlfriend." That got their attention, and here I was, the person everyone wanted to talk to.

"Wait really? Who?" Ashley asked.

"Her name is Lilith." I said.

"Ash quiet! Is she hot?" Nick asked.

"Uh, I guess." I murmured.


"What? It's a valid question." Nick laughed.

"Oh is Benji finally in love." Kate smiled, her voice tearing through my ears.

"I wouldn't say in love." I said quietly, but no one heard me. I caught myself thinking of Aaron, I wished I was with Aaron, not my friends.

"You know Benji you always seemed a little gay to me, so glad you got out of that." Sam said with a grin.

"Shut up Sam! Right now we are talking about Benji's girlfriend." Jordan said, but I could see him staring at me. The night seemed like it was now dedicated to talking about love, even though everyone in the room was dating each other. I felt lonely, I should be happy, I had a girlfriend, this is what everyone was always talking about. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

hiiiii benji im bored

lol me too...wait gimme a sec

"Hey guys, could I invite one of my school friends over?" I asked.

"Uh, sure!" Jordan said. "Tell them to bring Fanta."

wanna come to a party with my uh...friends?

sure! address?

1987 Valetta St. bring fanta

ew coke is better

YES IT IS! my friends like fanta tho T^T

get friends with a better taste in drinks :)

About ten minutes later the doorbell rang. I walked over to the door and opened it, as everyone else sat around waiting for the Fanta. Aaron was standing there, Fanta in one hand and the other against the brick wall.

"Hey." He said, tiredly.

"Hi, have you been sleeping?" I asked.

"Does it look like it?" He laughed. "I brought the Fanta."

"Thanks!" I said and took it from him. We walked in and my friends looked up at him, smiled and waved, before ignoring him again.

"What's your name?" Jordan asked.

"Oh uh, Aaron." Star boy said and sat down on the couch.

"Jordy! Pay attention to the picture." Kate spat.

"Jesus calm down." Jordan said.

"Shut up and smile." Kate said and smiled. Aaron looked over at me and smiled, I felt my stomach lurch. His smile was pretty, and his eyes. "Aaron have you heard? Benji has a girlfriend!" Kate laughed. Aaron looked over at me, I felt my heart drop.

"Oh I didn't know that." He said. "Congrats."

"Hey Kate can we stop talking about her?" I asked.

"Why? Don't you like the attention?" She smiled, but everything was fake. She was trying to kill me, she was trying to ruin my life one person at a time. And she knew just how to do it.

"I would just rather not talk about it right now." I said.

"Fine, but everyone should know that you're finally in love." She laughed. "We're friends, I just want what's best for you." Her lies are growing deeper.

Aaron was still staring at me, and his eyes were getting sad. I didn't like it, I wanted the subject to change. But I knew the longer I was here, the worse it would get, until the feeling was insufferable.

"I'm gonna drive Aaron home!" I said with a smile.

"But he just got here, and he walked." Sam said.

"You don't even have a license!" Nick said. I looked over at Jordan, he gave me a look, like he understood.

"Take my car, and don't get pulled over." He said and threw his keys.

"Uh, Aaron lets go." I said quickly and grabbed him. I was walking quickly to the car, Aaron a little behind me. I sat down and started the car quickly before Aaron sat down. "Where do you wanna go?"

"I knew you weren't taking me home." He laughed.

"Gas station?" I asked.

"Sure, just don't crash the car." We drove down the street. It was quiet, but it was kind of an okay quiet. "So you have a girlfriend now?"

"Uh, yeah, let's not talk about her." I said, trying to hide my annoyance.

"Your friends seem cool." Aaron said, but I could tell he was lying.

"They aren't, they hardly know I exist." I said.

"At least they don't hate you."

"True, but some attention would be nice."
"You should just talk more."

"They don't hear what I say. I would like them to just know I'm still here." I complained. Aaron nodded, as we pulled into the gas station parking lot. We got out of the car and walked inside. Every shelf was full of candy and snacks.

"What do you want?" Aaron asked. I walked over to the drink section and looked in.

"What are you getting star boy?" I asked.

"Coke." He smiled. I looked at the Fanta, it seemed so familiar. But instead I just grabbed a coke.

"Same." I said with a laugh and closed the door. 

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