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oKaY, this one has a bit more venom behind it cuz I'm so salty.

But I'm trying to figure out why authors put recaps in their chapters like this is some kind of Tv Drama I'm reading? They write it as if I'm watching the new episode of 90 Day Fiancé and I want to read the transcript.

Don't get me wrong it's okay to reference past events that had occurred in your story, but you're writing a s t o r Y. Not a tv show. Not a play. Not a musical. I'm not even sure if those things are written in different ways but I'm not gonna spend an hour on google figuring it out.

You can reference previous events through the thoughts of characters.

Matthew recalled the one time he tried to stick up for Bethany, but it didn't work out well. How do you know what's good for me?! Her words rung in his head.

Something like that but there are so many things you could do.

I get it, you update like once every 3 months and you want to remind the readers what happened to in case they forgot. But I can just go back to the last chapter at my own leisure and recap myself thank you very much. I swear I'm going to Olympic dive into a volcano if I see one more [RECAP] and just a copy and pasted paragraph of the last chapter that doesn't even summarize its events.

I just needed to rant, I'm getting very salty. Thanks for my ted talk have a nice day y'all

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