My Worst Nightmare

143 9 15

This one is definitely more of a rant but like, I can't contain it anymore.

The thing that kills me in any book or fanfiction is when they put "lowercase intended." Usually the intended lowercase is for aesthetic purposes but it drives me mad. I hate to see lowcase I's. It just feels so unnatural to me and makes me uncomfortable. It's even worse when the sentences don't start with a capital letter. It's just a pet peeve I have that will never go away.

The thing that I see the most often but I try not to let it get to me is when characters names are lowercase for some reason. There should be no reason that people names are lowercase, unless there's some grammar rule that I'm not aware about. Just please! I beg of any of you writers out there to please capitalize the first letter of your characters names!

Just reading an entire story with a bunch of lowercase I's, names, and etc makes me go mad. It's just not my thing and I feel bad about it sometimes too because it could be a great book or fanfic that I'm missing out on. But the lowercase just bothers the crap out of me.

Am I the only one that's bothered by this? Someone please tel me I'm not alone. (இ﹏இ'。)

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