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Descriptions are the complaint of today.

Descriptions are what bring somebody interest in your book without spoiling it. It can be simple, it can be a bit lengthy. But the description is just something to make me want to read your book.

E v e n, if you're not good at descriptions or know what to type, s o m e t h i n g is better than this:

OwO this is my first book so sorry if it's crappy! I'm not good at descriptions soo, please read!

Please. Just don't do that. It immediately makes me want to not read your book. A crappy description is better than that. It's also better than leaving the description box blank. Like, how am I suppose to be interested in your story if you don't inform me a bit about it? Am I just suppose to look at the book cover and title and magically know the whole plot?

Another thing when it comes to description, they are small windows to look into your story. Not the entire plot my dude. There are some descriptions out there that tell you either the entire beginning of the story or the entire plot. Well now that you've told me everything I don't feel the need to read the book. I personally see this in My Hero Academia fanfics. So I'm going to come up with an example.

So let's say my fanfiction is about BNHA and Midoriya being kidnapped from a young age by the LOV (League of Villains). He's rescued during the Hosu city attack and he had to come re-adjusted to society along with being reunited with Bakugou WHOS new drive at being a hero was to find Midoriya after being kidnapped.

Alright so now that I have my story idea I'm going to put a description. I'm not saying it's going to be perfect but I hope it's decent.

Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou both promised each other that they would be hero's together when they get older. But Midoriya did not get to live that dream. He silently waits in pain for someone to rescue him.

So that's the description I came up with. Someone else could probably do better but whatever. But see how I didn't reveal the whole entire story? I did reveal most of the beginning but it caught your attention a bit no? (At least I hope I did). I am now going to make a description in which reveals EVERYTHING, about the story.

When Midoriya and Bakugou were kids they swore to each other that they were going to be a hero once they got their quirks. Bakugou got his quirk first but before Midoriya could get him he was kidnapped and taken from his mother by the LOV. They experimented on him and turned him into a husk that's can only follow commands. Bakugou went on to become a hero swearing to himself that he'll find Midoriya one day. The LOV eventually launch their Hosu city attack and ordered Midoriya to cause chaos along with the other nomu's. Not being able to bail from the hero's he is captured and taken into custody at UA. He only answers to those who demand things from him, his eyes have a hollow-green to them. No sign of life at all.

What happens when a certain blonde-haired boy reunites with his child good friend once more?

Now let me tell you guys something, I am guilty of this but I have such a huge pet peeve for descriptions that end in a question. Don't even get me started if your description is nothing but questions. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does. I personally think the question thing pops up in Naruto fanfics and BNHA fanfics the most. Specifically in the category of MC (the main character) being depressed/suicidal. (If you have these types of thoughts please contact somebody, you can even talk to me my messages are always open!)

I'd see a really good description and then it would end like this which ruins it for me:

What happens when the blonde sunshine we all knew to love was really hiding behind a mask?

What if Deku took Kacchan's advice and actually jumped?

What if Minato and Kushina actually survived the Nine-Tails attack and began to neglect Naruto because they see him as the demon?

What if Midoriya is really just hiding behind a mask?

Questions like these annoy me because you ask them but they are literally in your story. Instead of asking me if Minato and Kushina survived the attack against the village how about you t e l l me and add some spice to the dish to make it interesting. The questions don't even make sense, why are you asking me what's in your story?! Just tell me! P l e a s e!

Okay, so lady thing I'm going to complain about is aesthetics. Now I don't mind aesthetics, I am guilty of them. Some of my stories and titles have a fancy looking font to them. I see some stories that had little quotes from other people, characters in the story, and or ones they made up. But those quotes should not be the description themselves. I can excuse weird one for crack fanfics, but when you're trying to write a full story one quote ain't enough.

In real books, you can see quotes from the author or maybe the editor or even some reviews. But that isn't the only thing on the books there is a quote and then a description. Descriptions don't need to belong but either, I personally don't want to read too much but I also don't want too little. You can write a description and ask an online friend or someone you know whether it's good/lengthy/intriguing. Having another person's thoughts is really helpful.

I think that's all I can remember for my rant today. Thanks for using your life energy here!ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧

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