Chapter Thirteen

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Julie Stroud

August 15th, 2019

As Julie approached the address that Macie had provided her with, she doubled checked all her mirrors to make sure that she was not followed by anyone. She did not know what she was about to walk into or what trouble may come after she arrived here all she knew was that Macie would not want anyone with her, especially Logan.

To be extra careful Julie parked down the road from the house to throw off anyone who may see her. As she approached the house all she could think about was Logan, and how he has been searching everywhere for his girlfriend and has not slept because of it. She knows he is hurt right now after she told him to wait for her to message him, but it was for the best.

She stepped up onto the front porch of the house and noticed a couple of lights on side, so she knocked, no answer. Then after about 30 seconds she heard a scream, so she started banging on the door. No answer again. She walked to the side of the house and checked the windows to see if any where slightly open or unlocked so that she could get in. Ahh, bingo! She found a high window to the side of the house and climbed up and ripped the window to the side, she climbed in and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Julie quickly jumped up from the floor and made sure to close the window behind her, she called out but there was no reply, so she decided to venture further into the house she just broke into. Why not, I already break and entered, may as well keep going. As she stepped out of what looked like a study with creepy photos on the wall, she heard noises from the back of the house.

"MACIE?" she called out. No answer. "MACIE ARE YOU HERE?" she pushed the big double doors to the second hallway open and started to walk towards what she believed to be the back of the house.

"JULIE?" the voice yelled back. She is alive. Relief washed over her body as she heard Macie's voice.

"YEAH BABE, IT'S ME, WHERE ARE YOU?" she stepped further down the hallway carefully listening around her, grabbing the pepper spray that was tucked into the boots she was wearing. She never went anywhere without it since Macie went missing.


Julie walked towards the light at the end of the hallway carefully stepping, you never knew when there was someone else in a house waiting to get you. Some would say Julie is paranoid since this happened. She reached the door frame of the kitchen and repositioned the pepper spray aiming it ready to spray soon as she walked into the room.

"In here Jules, It's just me in here now." She spoke partially losing her breath.

"What the fuck" Julie said as she walked into the kitchen. She could not believe her eyes. 

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