Chapter Twelve

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Macie and Julie

August 15th, 2020

Macie and Julie got up from the kitchen counter and headed out the door to Julies. They were both quiet leaving the house to be sure not to wake Logan as she didn't feel like lying to him once again about why they meet up so early and are always so secretive.

As they got the front door they heard foot steps coming down the stairs so they quickly darted into the living room and hid behind the couch trying not to make any noise.

As the footsteps came closer they heard him call out. "Macie? Julie? Are you two still here or have you fucked off yet again before I wake up, keeping lies from me?" Logan sounded very annoyed with them this morning, and Macie couldn't blame him. She's been sneaking out every few days without saying goodbye to him. He never has any idea where she is.

They heard him sigh and walk back down the hallway to the kitchen and they took that as their cue to get the hell out of the house before he caught them. They quickly ran to the door and slipped out careful not to let Logan hear them.

Soon as they were in Julie's car they both started laughing at how ridiculous they would've looked if anyone had seen them hiding. Julie turned on the engine and they took off out of the driveway down the road.

It took roughly 15 minutes for them to get to Julie's house even with the early morning commuters on the road. As they pulled up her driveway they noticed one of the front bedroom lights on.

"Crap, Hank is already awake." Julie watched the window as she drove up and parked to the side of the house.

"Guess we're doing this sooner than we expected ha" Macie gave a chuckle as she unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out of the car.

They headed towards the front door and walked in, soon as they did they heard the sounds of a shower running. Ahh thank god, we have a few minutes. Julie thought to herself.

"I'm going to go wait in the study babe, do you want me to lock our phones up or are we taking them down?" Macie motioned towards the big oak double doors that held the study.

"I'll come in drop my phone in the safe then go get Hank babe, lets go" she followed Macie into the study.

Julie unlocked the safe and placed her mobile and keys in the safe, making sure that she had the key to the gun safe in the secret room in her pocket. She took 3 deep breaths before heading out the door. As she reached the door, she turned to look at Macie.

"Macie?" she said to get her attention.

"Yeah Jules?" she looked up from the safe to make eye contact with Julie .

"Do you think we are doing the right thing by telling Hank?" she seemed upset to Macie.

"Yeah babe, we have to. It's time. I don't like it any more than you do." Macie gave her a smile and Julie left the room to get Hank.

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