Chapter Twelve: Epilogue

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Eventually, by the next day, many of the convoy were all standing around in the grass-covered field near the cave. They all watched and waited for their friends to come back home, and to welcome the convoy to the Promised Lands finally, and to start a brand new life here.

Braedey finally appeared from the cave as well as the rest of the convoy, as they all stood by. The convoy now looked upon the valley of green and blue, seeing all that was before them. It was a sight to behold, and it was far greater than the deserts and high terrain that they had to traverse to even get here in the first place.

"Welcome home." Braedey announced to everyone.

Gojira lets out a roar to all of the drivers and everyone in the cave, and all the vehicles and machines raced on out of the cave and towards the valley. Braedey nodded to his father, now they began to go off with Erza, Ken, and Naomi, all five of them going back to meet up with the rest of their friends and family.


A few months later, the Promised Lands had all been taken care of and maintained by the convoy. The grass and waters have been watched over and kept at 100%, all the while with new homes and buildings set up to form a new village and town, now named Magnolia for everyone.

In addition, much to the surprise of Erza, Braedey, Makarov, Mavis, and to their friends, they found out to their shock that many of their kind had survived the meteor impact, and they managed to make it to the Promised Lands. Asuka was happy to see both her parents had survived, and they were reunited as one. There were also other survivors as well, many of them happy and relieved to know Erza and her group also made it out of the meteor storm.

Finally, word had gotten out that Braedey and Erza had finally gotten together, and to their friend and family's shock and surprise, Erza had become pregnant with her and Braedey's child. It was a moment nobody ever expected, but sure enough, the day eventually came.

At the moment, the males were waiting outside of the tent with a few of the women, while Erza, Naomi, Mirajane, Wendy, and even Mosura, were all inside the tent, the women helping out the redhead with giving birth to the little newborn.

"Mover over, everybody." Emmett, said joining up with the men. "Bringing in babies is what I do best. I am a doctor, after all."

"I'd say it's been a few years since you've done that." Makarov joked, then he and Emmett laughed.

"You're right." Emmett joked as Makarov bewilderingly frowned.

"Look there!" Happy beamed.

Braedey and the other men all turned to look, and to the former's relief, there was Erza standing on her own two feet, alongside Mosura and Naomi, and in Erza's arms was a wrapped-up blanket in hand. Brooklyn and Wendy both stepped out of the tent.

"Good news: the baby is healthy and strong." Brooklyn informed.

"And you'll be happy to see it." Wendy added.

"Well, let's see." Gray said.

"Looks like someone wants to meet you." Mavis said. She made her way over to Erza, gently pulling back the blanket to see the baby. "Ohh! Aren't you the sweetest little thing I've ever seen?" She gushed.

"Mavis, there's an eagerly father behind you." Naomi reminded, as Mavis then moved aside.

"Go ahead, buddy." Gray said to Braedey.

Braedey now took a look at his and Erza's baby. He looked, and he could see that their new child, who is a boy, has the same colour of hair as Erza's, plus her eye colour for her right eye, and Braedey's eye colour for his left eye.

"Hey, little Goji." Braedey greeted his little son, gently patting his head. "He's looks just like me, only with more red."

"Goji? That's the name for our son, Braedey?" Erza asked to Braedey with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, it's better than Zilla or something like that." Braedey shrugged. "Besides, I'd like him to follow on not just our footsteps, but in my father's footsteps as well."

Erza gave a shake of her head, all the while with a smirk on her face. The little baby then coos, his little eyes looking over to at his parental figures, showing a tiny smile, then he sneezed a little.

"Ohh. Oh, happy day." Emmett said.

"Well done, little one." Marie congratulated.

"So cute." Levy added in.

"Yeah. He's adorable." Jennifer agreed.

"Too cute." Wendy nodded.

"The little fella..." Gojira walked up, then he took a look. "He's definitely your son, Buddy." He said to his son, patting Braedey's back.

"Hey, guys!" Natsu's voice got everyone's attention, as they looked over to see Natsu running up with not just his father Igneel, but all the others as well. "Check it out! Everyone's here!" He announced happily.

"I guess all's we'll that ends well." Ken shrugged, Jennifer nodding in agreement.

Everyone else couldn't help but laugh to one another. Then, Braedey gave out a roar. He then grew to 30ft, letting out a roar to the sky above. Ken smirked, then he too few to 30ft, beating his chest and roared as well. Erza, Natsu, Makarov, Lucy, Gray, give whistles and calls as well. Jennifer started to rev and honk the horn on the hotrod she and Ken had driven. Emmett chuckled, now honking the horn on his truck, just as Marie blew the whistle on her excavator long and loud.

As the sound echoed around the village, many other folks began to rev the engines of their vehicles, as well as blowing the horns. All around the village, there were many dinosaurs that were grazing and laying eggs. Nearby, a Parasaurolophus nest with 3 recent hatched eggs sits as the hatchlings jostled about. Their mother stood over there, and nearby to them as well as a Pachyrhinosaurus nest, as the mother stood watching her 3 hatched babies. Then, the Parasaurolophus lifts up and bellows out, as birds flew by as they called out. The Pachyrhinosaurus joins in as she bellows out, then infant Iguanodons and Parasaurolophus rush by as they bellow out.

All the other dinosaurs of the herd roared out as the babies got to the shore of the lake as the birds flew off. The chorus of horns, whistles, bellows, roars, cheers, and other calls echoed all across the valley around them, the sound being carried by the winds, just as one final and mighty roar from the Alpha of Titans echoed all around the land for everyone to hear.

This is now the Sacred Land of Fiore. If anyone or any creature has any hostile threats to this land, they shall be met with greater force and strength.

A/N: there we go. All done. This has been a long and pretty fun story to do, and I'd like to thank to many for providing ideas and suggestions in the comments.

I'd like to also give a big shoutout to RickyArgueta60 for giving me the idea and inspiration to do this story. Please check our their stories when you can, and give some positive feedback to them for what they've done.

That is all from me, BraedimusSupreme. Talk to you soon!

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