Over dinner the three of them talked getting to know each other better. Once the was done Kurapika washed up and Leorio cleaned the sided and dried the plates and returned them to their rightful places and Kurapika took note of this for next time. Once they was done they headed up to their rooms, the two both had a little homework they had to do. Hah yea first day back to school and they already had homework, they teachers knew no mercy.

Kurapika sat on his bed reading the book he had been asigned when a knocked came from his door, he looked over and called.

"come in?"

Leorio peeked his head in and smiled waving to him.

"uhhh... Hey... Would it be cool If I hung out in here with you for a bit?"

Kurapika smiled and just nodded his head, Leorio smiled and headed inside the room ans sat down on the floor, the two continued with their homework. Leorio soon finished with as sigh and leaned his head back looking up at the ceiling. He then looked to Kurapika who was still reading, sat quietly on his bed.

"hey Kurapika?"


"what exactly made you want to come to study here in Japan?.."

Kurapika looked down at Leorio who looked back genuinely curious. He sighed closing his books.

" you know what happened to my family correct?..."

"um y-yea?..."

"well my family had a thing for collecting items, one item we owned for centuries was the scarlet eyes... They was these blood red rubies, they was incredibly beautiful. I'm not sure why they was give that name but they was and they was rumoured to be one of the most expensive jewls, because of how old they were, but also because of how superstitious they was and how rare the pair are. People believed they bring good fortune, some believe they belonged to a Merciless king who was blind and they started off as simple glass eyes and became stained red with the blood of the thousands he killed. They are just rumours and speculation though. A gang called the Phantom troup likes to collect rare items and caught wind of our scarlet eyes and they came and took them. They didn't ask for them they didn't try to buy them like the millions of other people, they came and slaughtered my family....i heard their base is in Japan..."

" WAIT WAIT WAIT! so you're seeking revenge???"

" yes.. "

He picked his book back up and began to read once again.

" but they are super skilled! And you're just a kid! "

Kurapika frowned at Leorio peeking his eyes over his book.

" you think I weak?... My family are trained in a martial arts native to where I come from."

"right! They was trained and they still lost!"

Kurapika slammed his book closed now glaring down at Leorio, he was probably imaging it but he looked so angry that his eyes might even turn red with anger themselves.

"I'm not an idiot Leorio, I'm going to become a detective. It would be pointless If I became a detective back home when the criminals I'm after don't even live there, I'm going to collect as many leads as I can while him here."

"but it takes years to become a detective!"

"and that why I'm going to begin my search as soon as possible..."

"you'll get into trouble if you try to hunt down someone with out the authorities approval. "

" the authorities can't even catch them themselves, do you seriously think I care?.."

Kurapika did make a good point... Leorio sighed and looked down.

" geezs you make my pipe dream of wanting to be a doctor look miniscule..."

Kurapika relaxed just a little.

" you.. Want to be a doctor? "

" yea.... Oh I've got it! I can help you! "

" what?..."

Kurapika frowned confused.

"no no listen! You're gonna be running off fighting crime right? It will be dangerous and you could get hurt! And if you do you can come to me!"

Leorio smirked and he puffed up his chest and pointed to himself. Kurapika tried to hold back his laughter but couldn't. Leorio frowned confused.

" you're such a dork...sure Leorio, if I need your help I shall let you know. "

// as I was supposed to update on the 1st I've do three of the chapters for you, Neon and Gons intro are in one now before they was separated. I've added more to Gons intro, I'll start working on a short of fully happy kurapika and leorio that takes places at the end of the story for you because I didn't write enough of the two actually being together. I think. //

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