Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"Bot fighting is illegal, you're both gonna end up arrested!" Tadashi continues to scold us as I hid the money in my bra to make sure no one takes it. I roll my eyes softly "bot fighting isn't illegal" Hiro nods saying "betting on bot fighting? That's.. that's illegal. But it's so lucrative! We're on a roll, big brother" I smile big and say "and there's no stopping us!" Then we stopped. I look forward to see that there's cop cars with their lights flashing already "oh no.." Tadashi trails off. We ended up arrested, but I still have my money as we get put into tiny little cells and our parental guardians got called.

I'm sitting by Hiro as we're on a bench, we got put into our own cell since they didn't want us with the big guys... and Tadashi. So after we got told that our rides are here we start walking out, but I don't think I'm ready to face Aunt and Uncle's disappointed faces yet. When we're out I look up to see Fred is comforting Aunt Cass as she's pacing.. so there's no Aunt and Uncle Fredrickson. 'Oh, this is even worse...' I think to myself as I nervously bite my lip at the sight of Fred here.

"Hey, Aunt Cass" Hiro and Tadashi say a bit nervously.
"Hey, Fred" I say a bit nervously at the sight of Fred.

Both Aunt Cass and Fred look back at us, then come over to us and we all get hugged as they say "are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay." I smile at overprotective Fred as I roll my eyes and answer for all three of us saying "we're fine." Tadashi also answered with "we're okay" so Fred moves from the hug with a warm smile saying "oh good." Then we watch as Aunt Cass has Hiro and Tadashi by their ears "then what were you two knuckleheads thinking?!" She asks as she pulls them. Fred looks back at me saying "oh yeah, I'm supposed to be upset with you!" Then he grabs me by the wrist.

Pulling me we start walking back to the mansion "you've only been here for a year, and you're already getting into trouble. What type of bot fight is worth it if you could get into the big house?!" Fred yells out. I roll my eyes saying "it's easy pay-" "we live in a mansion!!" Fred yells back at me annoyed. Looking down I say "but I wanted my own money-" "for what?!" Fred stops walking as he turned to face me. Shrinking a bit under his stare I say "f-for hanging out with Hiro.. it felt special that I could get us some stuff with my own money."

Fred's expression doesn't change as he groans and looks off to the side saying "dang it, that's actually pretty reasonable and adorable." I smile softly at the sound of Fred sounding like he could stop being mad at me over this. Though he grabs my wrist again saying "that doesn't mean I'm still not upset!" And we're back to walking. "I've tried my best to be the best older cousin I could be!! Even with your mom being a bit busy for the holidays. It's pretty obvious that it's hard to deal with staying here for so long, but you've gotta stop with the bot fighting."

'He doesn't even know how long I've been doing it for, how does he know I've done it more than once?' I think to myself. Fred stops and I accidentally walked into his back as he stands straight and turns to me again. "How many fights have you been to?!" Fred asks as he starts to shake me by my shoulders. My eyes widen as I feel like my brain got a bit scrambled "uh-" "wait.. don't tell me!" Fred yells out. He let's go of me as he does a small pace in a circle, so I open my mouth to speak, but he shakes his head.

"No wait, tell me!!" Fred says as he looks at me, so I say "I have no idea-" "aha! I knew- wait, what?! How long have you been going to them?!" Fred interrupts angrily shocked. I blink and remember the first time was when I first got here and stayed the night with the Hamada's. "For about a year" I answer out honestly, so Fred groans and runs his hand over his face. He shakes his head saying "you're lucky I'm the one that answered the phone and everything. Mom and dad would be beyond angry at you if they figured out you got arrested for something stupid."

Rolling my eyes a bit I say "dude, everything's fine!" Fred tensed 'I crossed some type of line' "you don't get to say what's fine and not fine, (Y/n). You could've been hurt, you could've gotten yourself killed!!!" Fred groans and says "we gotta get to SFIT. You always seem more productive there than literally anywhere else" I nod in understanding. "Okay, true" with that we caught a late trolley and make it to SFIT in no time as we walk to the front door. On the way in I could tell that Tadashi is here, so I smile and walk in even faster to get to my lab.

When I get to the hang out place I see Hiro talking with Honey Lemon, smiling I just go to my lab instead of questioning why Hiro is here. I'm about to get down to my own work since I already got done helping Tadashi with building Baymax. I've been trying to build my own type of hoverboard... it's going to be a literal hoverboard. There's no wheels, but it will be able to float above any hard surface... so you can't really float on literal air. Only off of buildings, the ground, and anything like that, which will be really fun to ride around.

The only thing is it's hard to do the math for it, so I'm already looking over my math, I correct with pen, I work with pencil. So I'm already chewing on the back of my pen as I look over everything while concentrating. "Ow!!" Hiro yells out, so I smirk and realize that he's about to see Baymax, but my pen explodes on me. Groaning I wipe the ink out of my mouth onto my shirt as I throw my pen into my Thinking Pens tub. Sighing I dig into a drawer and grab a spare shirt and walk out to go to the bathroom and change... again.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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