The Devils And The Demigod (Eps 19)

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"Hello Rossweisse. How has your day been?" I asked as i sat down next to her.

Rossweisse:"It's going well...That boy Issei was bothersome though...He looked at me as if I was....Some type of snack.

I sighed and shook my head.

"I had a feeling that's how he was...A perverted boy....Poor Ddraig...Picked a bad host" I muttered as she looked at me.

Rossweisse:"Alright. You know why we're both here. Let's talk for a bit."

"Alright. Straight to the point, but before that There's someone I would like for you to meet." I muttered with a small smile as she looked confused.

Rossweisse:"Who do you have in mind?"

Isabelle:"He's talking about me Valkyrie" She looked in my direction to see Isabelle beside me, staring at her with a very unhappy expression.

Rossweisse:"When did she get in here?" She said as She stood up defensively as Isabelle's eyes narrowed.

Isabelle:"I do not like you" She said with malice in her voice to which shocked me. I have never seen her act like this with anybody. Even Odin when he met her.

"It's okay Isabelle. She's okay for now." She looked at me for a moment before nodding and going back to her emotionless demeanor,but i could tell she really doesn't like Rossweisse....odd.

"This Is Isabelle. And she is part of my Sacred Gear which is known as Divinitive Spirits" I announced to her a her eyes widened in shock.

Rossweisse:"You have a Sacred Gear! But how is that possible! Aren't you a God?"

"Half god" I stated in a matter of factly tone. "I'm also half human. Mother was a human. So i'm a Demigod in terms.

Rossweisse:"Half human...Half God? So you got one because of your Human Side. That must mean your potential is Sky-high! You're mother must be proud of you for the way you've turned out"

As she uttered those words my hands unknowingly clenched, but i quickly relaxed. She noticed this, but didn't pry in for more info.

Rossweisse:"Anyways...I would like to ask a favor of you before i leave here...because I sense problems coming this way" She asked as i looked at her patiently softly grabbing Isabelle who tensed up to my firm grasp.

Rossweisse:"Would you be willing to Visit Asgard with Me sometime? I want to talk to you about Odin and the problems that are rising within."

I looked at her for a moment with a puzzles expression.

Go to Asgard? Doesn't seem like a bad idea Since Gabriel and Michael are looking over Heaven for now. And Plus. I'm not known as the Leader of Heaven Yet so I wouldn't be attacked. So i have no problems with it, but I'll do that some other time.

"I guess I could visit some day, but you'll have to wait for that to come"

Rossweisse:"Thank You. I Cant appreciate it enough" She said as she knelt down and bowed to me.

"Raise your head. I don't want to feel like a ruling king" I said with a small chuckle as She stood once again

Rossweisse:"Alright. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to chat. We will talk another time if you wish to. Have a good day "Mr. Christ"" She said as she waved and left the room.

Isabelle:"Y'know she's suspicious" She told me as i nodded.

"I know, but I sense no Ill intentions from the woman. Only time will tell Isabelle" I muttered as 

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