10 months and leaving nanba (chapt 7)

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Since so many people wanted a summary of the 10 months, here it is.

First month:
Izuku was getting along well with his cellmates, he hadn't met the others yet but they say they will soon, they wanted to give him a break to settle in first before getting started with training and meeting other people. During this one month they really never did anything but izuku did show his cellmates how to do simple education especially jyugo and nico. Meanwhile, nana, Nighteye and ofa started training him on how to use his new qurik, arsenal.

Second month:
Izuku started training with samon at building 5 on his combat skills, he met upa, Liang and chi. They were also told about izuku's story and they were quite livid so Liang helped him with combat training, upa helped him with stamina and techniques and chi taught him about medicine and first aid. All in all, it was a good first meeting. Samon also taught him how to use a bo staff which he mastered with ease and by the end of the month was given his own as a reward.

Third month:
Izuku met shiro, the cook in building 13 and they started cooking together in the kitchen. They made loads of food for the inmates of building 13 as well as the guards, doctor and izuku cooked something as a thank you to shiro. After that, izuku was welcomed into the kitchen by shiro anytime and everyone was grateful to izuku. The trio who are nana, nighteye and ofa continued teaching him about arsenal, nighteye helped with what he promised to teach izuku like hone his reflexes and after that. They told izuku stories about their time as heros.

Forth month:
Izuku was ready to go to building 3 for his lesson in disguises, kiji was going to help him with that. He of course met honey and trois also met izuku and they thought izuku was a girl just by how he looked and when they asked their questions he immediately uppercut them which he learned from samon. When honey and trois apologized and learned izuku's story, they were just as angry as everyone else. So, to make up to izuku, trois taught him the basics of making weapons and honey taught him a bit of how he used his strings. Kiji taught him how to disguise himself as someone until there was no way u could tell the difference between izuku and said person. It was a good meeting aside from the inappropriate questions he was asked.

Fifth month:
Izuku's real friends came to visit him at the prison, they were given permission to enter the prison and look around. They met izuku's cellmates, the guards, the friends izuku made and they were all playing and fooling around in nico's arcade, uno's playroom they even spent some time together at their cell because it was so big and they all got to know each other better. Rock even helped eijirou fight and spared with him. They told izuku that they gathered up almost enough evidence but still need 5 more months to get him out. Izuku was touched and told them not to overwork themselves. Eventually and unfortunately they had to leave and so they said their goodbyes and left.

Sixth month:
The 4 cellmates of izuku broke out of jail again but this time izuku helped hajime and seitarou track them down, being a student of Nezu of course. He was able to do his best to try and prevent the inmates from escaping and he even helped yamato track them down without him getting lost which in itself is a miracle. They were able to catch the 4 of them altogether in record time with the help of izuku. After that , they went to sleep. The trio spent this whole month helping izuku with his qurik and everything else. Izuku was able to master arsenal with no drawbacks, he could make any weapon he wanted and he can even have full control of the where he fires the ammunition at. His reflexes have greatly improved with the help of nighteye and his mental state also increased with the help of one for all. Everytime after they finished training, they would it down together and talk about anything and everything and since it was izuku's mind, he could summon anything he wanted so the 3 of them were quite comfortable in his mind. This would happen everytime they trained until izuku had to wake up but izuku was never tired as his body was resting but his mind was training. So it was a win-win situation.

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