Chapter 20. Ha

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Today we got our Hogwarts letters, I was sitting in the dining room waiting for everyone else to come down. Also I was comfortable calling Sirius father now.. and there was no sign from Dumbledore of my mother.. I didn't think too much of it. After everyone came down we opened our letters, Ron shrieked in disbelief, "What?" I asked

"I'm.. the prefect boy." he said and I laughed because he was obviously joking, "No, I'm serious." he said holding the badge up and my mouth opened with disbelief.

Hermione held the same badge and I laughed more, "Oh my Merlin!" I said laughing trying to get some air, "This is priceless!" after catching a breath, I opened mine, "Shit." I said and Ron walked over.

He smiled cheekily, "Hey guys!" he said and people looked over, "Ashlynn is Head Girl!" he said laughing and the twins looked at me, "Don't let those too bully you into things, WE can give them detention now." he winked and I laughed.

"Why do they get to be in charge of detentions?" Fred exclaimed and I winked, "Ash, I know you won't give the poor twins detention." he pouted and I laughed a bit.

George huffed an angry breath of air, "That's a bit unfair." he huffed again and I hugged him in an attempt to.. apologize? "I accept your apology" as he lifted me in the hug and I squealed.

When he put me down, Molly wanted a group picture of Ron, Hermione, and I. She took the picture and was probably more excited than us. The badge was sort of cool, but not THAT exciting. I sat down and picked at my fingers out of boredom. I was by myself for a bit watching the fire crackled and pop. Was I ever going to meet my mom? My father wasn't going to tell me, that was for sure. Everything this year has been chaotic and honestly, I don't feel a whole lot. Some random emotions here and there, but I guess I'm not feeling much.

I brushed my black hair out of my eyes and was holding my letter, 'Ashlynn Black,'

"They didn't ask, did they?" I heard and looked up, Fred, I shook my head no. "I'm sorry." he said and sat beside me, "I am sure they'll change it back." he sighed putting a comforting arm around me,

Happily scoffing, "I'm not angry, I just didn't expect it." I said, "Family isn't always blood but.." I trailed off, I didn't know what to say but I am sure he understood, I leaned into his half hug while still holding the paper, "I am head girl." I chuckled and he did too, "That was unexpected."

"Ash, listen I-" Fred was saying but was interrupted by Sirius walking in, he looked concerned, "Sir?" Fred asked respectfully.

Sirius looked at me, "Come with me, dear, please." he said and I nodded getting up, I followed him to the family tree room, "Just.. wait here." he said and I nodded, he left and I sat in a chair. Tanner walked in and looked confused, I shrugged and we waited for a while. The door opened back up and Dumbledore walked through, I stood up quickly and behind him, a woman. She walked in after him and I was speechless, "Ashlynn," Dumbledore said and I looked at him, "This is Anna Walker." he said smiling, "Your guys' mother."

Tanner stood there, as did I. What was I supposed to say? "You.." I said quietly, "Why'd you leave us?" I asked quietly and Tanner gave me a look, "I want to know." I said and he sighed.

She came a little closer to us, "I did it to protect you two." she said and I raised an eyebrow, "To protect me and your father as well." and I scoffed, "The dark lord wants you as you know, and we just al separated as you see. It was too dangerous to be together again." she explained, I sat down and sighed,


I honestly didn't feel anything after a 'heartfelt' conversation with my birth mother, it felt weird her explaining and wanting to know us. Tanner was glad to tell her everything about his life but.. I was more cautious. I found Fred sitting outside, "Hey, you were saying something earlier and it got interrupted, what did you want me to listen to?" I asked

He smiled and then looked at the flower he was holding, he was picking the pedals off of it, "Nothing important, Ash." he said and I sat on the stairs beside him, "What did Sirius want?" he asked

"Oh uh, Dumbledore found my birth mother." I said and he looked at me, "Yeah, she wants to get to know me and Tanner. It's.. odd." I sighed, he pulled another flower and tucked it behind my ear.'

"Maybe.." he trailed off as he was tucking the flower, "you should let her, it could benefit you two greatly, Ash." he said and I shrugged, "Do you still like George?" he asked.

I sighed and pressed my lips together, "Of course. Part of me wants to run back to him, I didn't give him a chance to explain himself even.." I said and he nodded. "What should I do?" I asked

He scoffed and smiled, "I don't know, talk to him? Let him explain?" he said and I groaned, "I know you aren't well with handling feelings, Ash, but I think you should give him a chance, he's never liked anyone the way he likes you.. Ashlynn you're beautiful, smart, funny and you don't take anyone's shit, you are anyone's dream girl and I believe it'll work out.." he said and I smiled, he got a little red, "It'll work out between you and George." he finished his sentence. I hugged him and he hesitantly hugged me back, "Now, Ms. Head girl. You have to promise to be nice to us." he laughed and I hit his arm as I let out of the hug.

Quickly I ran up to where George has been sleeping, I knocked and he opened the door, "Ash." he said, "Uh, hey." he said awkwardly,

"I need to talk to you." I said pushing him in the room and he acted like he didn't want me there, then I saw why, "Oh, uh." I said quietly when I saw Angelina Johnson sitting on his bed, "sorry.. I'll uh go then." I said turning and walking out of the door, it shut behind me and I felt tears form in my eyes, I took a few deep breaths and I started to cry a more. I walked down the stairs.

"Ashlynn? Dear, are you alright?" I heard Molly ask and I looked at her, "Merlin, what happened?" she said softly and I sniffled.

"I didn't know Angelina was going to be here." I said and sat on the stair, "I was going to talk to George and give him a chance to explain, then I saw her there. I didn't know her and George were.. together like that."

She gasped, "I didn't know she was here either." and I shook my head, "I will.. take care of it." she said hesitantly and walked up the stairs past me. I got up and heard yelling coming from up there from Molly, I walked down the stairs and outside, Fred smiled at me, and then frowned as he got up, "Wait, what happened, Ash?" he said and I pulled him into a hug, I sobbed into his shoulder as he lifted me into a hug and I wrapped my legs around his waist so I wasn't struggling for a hug, "It's okay.." he kept saying quietly, and was shh'ing me. After I calmed down he asked me, "What happened up there?"

Sniffling I sighed, "Angelina was up there with him, on his bed, and he acted like he didn't even want me there." I said and Fred sighed, "Thank you.." I whispered as he let me down, I looked at him, "I can't do this with Pansy or Blaise." I sighed and he was looking at me sympathetically, "I think I should just.. take a break from boys, from George, at least." I said.

In this moment I regret having.. sex.. with George because I felt clingy and I don't want to feel like that. Everything went so wrong this summer and it's overwhelming, I'm just.. reclaiming my virginity, because I can, it never happened, in my mind, it never happened.. revirginizing.

Yup.. it never happened.

The Hate and Love (George Weasley x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant