Chapter 18. Son and Daughter.

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2 weeks of summer had passed and I woke up, George wasn't in here, weird. I took my sleeping shorts off and put some different shorts with a tank top. I walked downstairs to the living room, I heard yelling so I walked quicker, when I walked in I gasped, the twins were strapped to chairs with Molly cutting their hair, "What happened?" I asked laughing and sat on the sofa in front of the twins.

George looked at me, "She's mad!" he yelled. "I wanted to grow it out!"

"I like it short." I smiled and Fred didn't squirm as much as George, he got out of his chair and sat beside me, "Why couldn't you sit still like Fred?" I asked and he groaned, "It looks nice."

"Thanks.." he grumbled and Fred sat on the other side of me, we hadn't told anyone about us yet, only Pansy knew, "So, Ash and I are dating." George said very blankly.

I broke into a coughing fit and Fred patted my back trying to calm me down, "Well, I knew that." Molly said as I calmed down, Fred had gotten me a glass of water, "Just.. be careful." she said and George was smiling and he agreed to her statement. "I am happy for you two." she said as she smiled brightly, that was a relief that she was alright with it.

George was still pouty about his hair so I left him with Fred for a while, I wondered upon a room that I hadn't seen in the times I've been here, hopefully Kreacher wasn't in here doing... whatever Kreacher does, I walked in and the room had a very calming aura. I looked around, there was a crib with a bear in it, I smiled and looked at the wall behind me, it was a family tree, I read the names and stumbled upon Sirius Black's name, I was tracing the tree and noticed there was a branch connecting to a child of his, before I could read it there was a cough, I jumped and yelped a little. "Sirius, I didn't mean to-"

"Don't apologize, this room had a calming aura, doesn't it?" he asked and I nodded, "Reading the family tree, huh?" he asked and I nodded again, I looked at the branch I was tracing before.

My mouth twitched into a half smile, "Ashlynn and ---- Black?" part of the second name was scratched out, I turned to Sirius, "Why's that name scratched out?" I asked softly.

He pressed his lips together, "I assume you knows who it is?"

Tanner... of course.. "Y-you're my father?" I said quietly, "Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked. "I would have liked to have know!" I said a bit angrier. I had never felt anger like his before, Sirius was staring at me in disbelief, "Or you could've had someone tell me!"

"You may want to calm down-" he said

"Screw calming down!" I said and had caught a look of my myself in the mirror, I did a double take and scoffed, "What the hell?!" I said as my hair was a dark shade of red, Sirius patted my back and I calmed down, I saw my hair return to black, "What was that.."

"Metamorphosis." he said and I sat down in a chair, "I planned on telling you.. The Baker's were kind enough to take care of you while I was in Azkaban.." he said and I looked up at him, "I know this is a lot to take in-"

"Are you kidding me? I am the master of receiving the weirdest news." I said and laughed softly, "It's.. not the weirdest thing." I sighed, "Is Tanner's name crossed out in case I came across this room earlier." and he nodded, "Now I know.." I said and he hugged me as I stood up.

It felt.. natural? weird? I don't know how to explain it, "If it's alright with you, I would like to get to know you." he whispered and I agreed, "Tanner as well, if he's alright with it."

There was a cough, we stopped hugging and it was no other than Tanner himself, "I don't mind." he said with a smirk and I laughed.

Old me would freak out at this, but that isn't me anymore, Sirius asked a few questions and we answered them.. he learned a bit about us before sending us off to dinner. We all sat around and George seemed happier, as dinner went on, Sirius stood up and smiled, "I'd like to make a toast." he said looking at Tanner and I, "To my children, who I look forward to getting to know."

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