Chapter 14. Gone

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"Professor Snape has informed me of your family, he has found them." Dumbledore said and my heart dropped.. "Now.. It is dangerous but I am allowing you all to go with him, as he an undercover person cannot just be by himself." I nodded but my heart was racing.. I had to do this now, "Now if you're all ready, you may go there now." Everyone nodded, "Adrian will stay here." he agreed and we all left, we were standing in a dark room,

"Lumos." I said and the room lit up, everyone was here and I looked for a door, "Here.." I let Snape go first.. now I kind of knew why he was acting like such a hard ass, he was double undercover for us.. I looked around, we came to a big room, Voldemort was sitting in a chair, "Severus.. what's this." he said and I cringed at his voice, I saw my parents on the ground, my heart dropped into my stomach,

I walked with my wand out, "What the hell did you do."

"Oh my," he said and got up, he nodded towards some people they left and came back with my brothers, they threw them on the ground in front of me, "You're the one I really wanted to kill." I looked at him, "That's right, not your family, but unfortunately your parents just had to speak out, so I had to kill them."

"No." I said softly, I looked at my brothers, "Blaise.. get them." I said and Blaise helped them over to the others, I looked back, Fred and George with worry in their eyes, I turned my head back to Voldemort, "Why me?" I said as I slowly backed up,

"Why.. you're the girl who lived, that wasn't simply a house fire, it was one caused to kill just you but unfortunately didn't." he said, that didn't make any sense.. how can you just cast a spell to kill just one person, "I just want you, the rest can go." I was still slowly backing up, what's so special about me.. "What is special about you is.." my god I think he can read minds, "you are special in many ways, powers I wish to posses by killing you, don't act dumb, child, I know you have them." he said and I shook my head as he pointed his wand towards me, I had grabbed Pansy's hand behind me, "Avada Kada-" before he could finish I closed my eyes and opened them, we were in Dumbledore's office, he looked bewildered at me, everyone was confused, my brothers were on the ground passed out, then suddenly I fell to the ground and everything went black

I woke up with a pain and screamed, people rushed in through the curtain and held me down, "Let me go!" I yelled, I was held down and injected with someone, I suddenly started to calm down and they let go of me, I looked at my side and it looked like a bunch of stabs. I looked around, there was Blaise with Dumbledore and Pomfrey, "W-w-what happened." I said quietly

"You survived the killing spell, Ashlynn.. everyone there saw it.." I looked at him and then at Dumbledore seeing if it was true, he nodded and said Snape saw it, then I remembered.. my parents.. "Where are my brothers.. Where is Tanner and Ivan."

"They're fine, Ash." Pansy said coming in, "I just checked for you once I heard you yelling, "They're awake and talking just fine, a little shook up though."

I nodded, "Is everyone else alright?" I asked and she nodded, I felt a sigh of relief, "They're gone.." I said quietly and they hugged me, "Too good to be true." I said and laid back, "Why'd he want me.. he said I was special.." I asked Dumbledore

He was confused too, "I have no idea, Ashlynn, I wish I did.." I asked to be alone after that.. after everyone left tears came down my cheek and I was sobbing, "They're gone.." I said to myself..

The curtain opened and closed, "Ashy.." I heard George said and looked up, he sat on the bed with me and held me, "They're gone.." I sobbed and he hugged me tighter, I held onto him like I was going to lose him, I cried for a bit.. "Don't die.." I whispered, "I don't want to lose anyone else.." I felt him nod, "Promise me, George.. please."

"I promise.. Ashy.. I promise with all my heart." he whispered and he sat there holding me until I fell asleep from exhaustion of crying..

The next morning I woke up and he was in the chair, I got up and my legs wobbled, I used part of the wall to walk over to my brothers who were next to each other, "Ivan.. Tanner," I said and they looked at me, I hugged them and they smiled weakly. "I have no idea what to say.. there's so much lost time.."

"No need to say anything.." Ivan said and nodded, "I get it, you've been living a life without us and it was hard to adjust, and as soon as you did, you get us back and have to adjust again." I nodded at that, I told them about some things and let them rest, I went back to my bed and George was awake, reading... "Gods.. are you not feeling well? You're reading?" I asked and he laughed

"I got bored." he smiled, I laid on my bed and winced, "Listen about last night.." he said and I looked at him,

"Tell anyone and the penalty shall be death." I said and we both laughed. I held my side, he came to the side of the bed and lifted the side of my shirt up to look at it, "Hey." I said and he looked at me, "shouldn't Pomfrey be doing this?" he shrugged and took off the bandage, "I know how to change a bandage, I have a shit ton of siblings." he said and put a new one around my side, I sat up so he could do that easier, "Pomfrey said you should be out of here within a week but take it easy, alright?" he said and I nodded, "Which means no Quidditch until this fully heals." I groaned and he laughed, I agreed and he got me off the bed, "and you need to get on your feet a lot."

I looked around when I was out of the curtain, "Where is Fred?" I asked, he shrugged, "Just worried is all, this shit with You Know Who and all." he nodded and was still helping me walk,

"Listen.." he said and I looked at him, "Addie keeps trying to talk to me and I don't know what to do." he whispered and I rolled my eyes, "What do I do?"

"Fucking ignore her." I seethed because it hurt to walk, he took me back to my bed, "She'll just do what she did last time, George." he sighed, "Don't fucking do it, I will never talk to you again. You need to not think about her." I said angrily and he nodded, the curtain opened, it was Cedric, "Hey, Cedric."

"I heard you were in the infirmary from my father, I brought you flowers." he said and put them beside my bed, George got up and left, "What's his problem?" I shrugged, I thanked him and he sat and talked to me,

After a week I was able to attend classes like regular, I didn't tell Cedric what happened with my side, I saw George and caught up to him, "Hey, where's Fred?"

"Sick, he caught something." he said and I nodded, "You doing alright? My mother wants me to check in."

"Besides you avoiding me, I've been healing quite fine." I said and he stopped and looked at me, "You're back with Addie again.. aren't you.." I whispered. He didn't say anything except give me a look I knew that wasn't good. "Dammit, George."

"I didn't say anything." he said quietly, "I have to go." he said and walked away from me, my heart felt like it just got shattered, I was trying to help him,

Pansy had tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey, you alright?" I nodded and smiled, "That's good, let's go before were late to Snape's class." I nodded and we quickly walked there, I had gotten in the door after Pansy

"Ms. Baker. You're late." he said and I looked at him, "Detention."

"But I was only a second late." I said and he glared at me, I sat down not wanting to argue, I took notes and it was like 30 minutes into class, "Mr. Weasley! If you want to daydream about some girl in my class you will do it in detention, after dinner." George was sitting there mad, I was going to laugh but I didn't.

After dinner I walked to Snape's classroom.

The Hate and Love (George Weasley x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat