Chapter 15. Detention and Anger

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I walked to Snape's classroom after dinner and George was already there, "Alright, now that you're both here, give me your wands." We handed them to him, "Clean the entire room, without magic." We both looked at each other, "Now!" he yelled and left the room, I grabbed cleaning supplies from the closet as I have had detentions before and knew where he put his stuff.

After an hour of cleaning, I broke the silence

"You can't avoid me forever." I said as I mopped the floor, he didn't say anything, "Really?" I said and looked at him, "The one time I actually consider us friends?! Dude I fucking cried to you, I don't do that with anyone else, and like you fucking said, I tell you more than anyone I know!"

He stood there looking at me, "I.."

"You what?" I said and he just looked at me, "Gods, you're insufferable and I can't stand you!" I scoffed

"Really?" he said with a bit of anger, "You don't think I can't stand you?"

My anger was rising, I could feel my face getting hot, "Really, because you keep talking to me."

We stood there and he got closer, "I can't stand you because I can't stop thinking about you, Ashlynn." those words came out of his mouth, he backed away and put his broom away, "and I hate myself for it." he said and walked out, I stood there, shocked, I finished cleaning and Snape came back, "Where did Weasley go? I still have his wand." he said and I shrugged. "You talk to him often, you give it to him." He gave me mine back and I walked to my common room, Fred was standing outside, "Fred?"

"Where's George?" I shrugged and handed him his wand, "He didn't come back to his room."

"What?" I said, "He said something in detention and left right after."

I got worried, and we looked around for him quietly because it was past curfew, "You might as well head back, he'll come back at some point." I nodded and headed back to my room, I laid in bed after my shower just looking at the ceiling.

...Flash back...

"It's the same every year professor, nothing." I said

"Did you try?"

"No, but I-" I started to say but her told me to try anyways, I smelt it and got surprised, "Um, it smells like Fireworks, " I chuckled, "fire wood, a very strong woodsy smelling cologne, and sweets." I smiled and Snape nodded.

He rolled his eyes, "Weasley's!" he yelled and they jumped, "Since you aren't paying attention tell us what it smells like."

Fred went first, "Honey and old leather from a book." then George went

He looked at Addie and winked, then bent down to smell it, he started to frown, "Um sir, do I have to-"

"Yes, Weasley." Snape groaned

George shook his head and said, "You know if I'm lying so no point." he said quietly, "Rain, Lavender, Sugar cookie perfume, and coffee ." he said and Snape nodded.


I got up and looked through my drawer, I grabbed a box of chocolates out of it and looked at the box,

'You should really try these, mum says I constantly eat them. From George.'

Firewood and Fresh cookies.. we made cookies over the holidays and he loves sitting by the fire.. shit, no, no, no, I thought, I ran into my bathroom, Lavender conditioner and rain.. and coffee, my perfume as well. "fuck.." I whispered.. "That can't be right."

I went to my bed and flopped, he was all I was thinking about since Christmas I had realized, why had I not realized earlier? The next morning I woke up and walked outside, it had rained but I was too busy with detention to go out, look like it might rain again, "Hey, Ashlynn." I heard Pansy say.

"Hi," I smiled, "What's up?" I asked her

"I have a date tonight, I got asked after dinner, you were at detention so I've been excited all night to tell you." she squealed,

I smiled, "Oh my god, that's great, Pansy." I hugged her and let go, "What are you doing?"

"Well he said were going to stay out all night and watching the stars then the sunrise." she said all excited, "I better get going, I'm meeting him for breakfast." I nodded and she left, I had walked to eat breakfast with my brothers, they were sorted into Slytherin too, Blaise and Tanner were talking, "Hey guys." I said an sat down, "How are you?"

"Great. Don't hover." he said and we both laughed, "How are you?"

I shrugged, I was looking at the Gryffindor table and saw Fred and George, I smiled when George looked at me, he immediately looked away, "Boys.. are confusing." I said and they both looked at me, "Yeah, I have boy problems for once and I actually hate it, I don't know how girls do this all the time." I scoffed and they laughed, we talked for a bit and then class began, I rushed to potions and sat down, classes went by quick, during dinner I heard the storm and smiled to myself.

After dinner I went to the same corridor I usually do and stood out there, the rain was cold but I didn't care, everything went away, the boy problems, the dead parents, the drama, all of it.

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