Chapter 18. Son and Daughter.

Start from the beginning

Molly smiled brightly as everyone else was a bit.. shocked. I smiled and so did Tanner, he sat down and George looked at me, "You didn't tell me?"

"I just found out." I said and he nodded,

After dinner, George went upstairs and I helped Molly clean up dishes, "You know, dear," she started to say and I looked at her, "you can talk to me about all of this, I don't want you to feel like you have to ball all of your feelings up." she said and I hugged her,

"It is over whelming a bit." I said and I let go, "I have never been good with feelings, my life has always been boring up until I thought my entire family was dead." I sighed as I put some dishes away, "Then I am wanted by the famous Tom Riddle and I am adopted and my actual father is Sirius Black." I ranted and stopped, "Feelings have never been by thing. So it's new feeling all of this." I said as a few tears went down my face, she looked at my sympathetically, "Family is no blood, and I am glad because I've made a new family here." I said

She smiled and we finished dishes, I walked up to my room and opened the door, George jumped and hid a paper, "Hey, love." he said nervously.

"What was that?" I asked

"What was what?"

"the paper you just hid."

"what paper?" he said with a voice crack. Slowly I walked towards him and he tried to run but I grabbed his arm and pinned him on the bed grabbing the piece of paper from him as he struggled, "Why are you so bloody strong?!" he exclaimed and squirmed more.

I opened the paper and read it out loud. "Angelina, it's so great to hear from you. I missed talking for most of the year, Ashlynn has kept me busy and.." I hesitated before reading the last part, "I liked the kiss too" and the paper had a long line of ink from where I had disturbed him. I looked at him, "George.." I said as I got off of him, "You kissed Angelina.." I said

He got up and looked at my now very shaking body, "It didn't mean anything, I didn't want to hurt her feelings-"

"Bullshit. A kiss is shared between people that send signals, George." I said and I threw the paper at him, "I thought you cared about me." I said.

"I do, Ash.'

I scoffed and walked towards the door, "Go sleep in Ron or Fred's room tonight." I said and he was going to say something, "We're done, George." I said and walked out, I didn't want to hear anything he was going to say, I walked into the family tree room and Sirius was there, I sniffled a little and he looked at me sympathetically.

He hugged me and I completely broke, he stroked my hair as I cried, he kept shh'ing and I felt like I couldn't breathe. "George kissed a girl and was writing her.. he said he liked it."

"Was it before or after you two started dating?" he asked, "Not that it matters, he was still going to say he liked it." he said and I told him I didn't know, "teenage boys are overrated." he whispered and we both laughed, I broke out of the hug and he put my hair, which was soaked with tears, behind my ears. I smiled slightly, "Feel better?"

"A bit.." I said, "If I went to Tanner he would beat the bloody hell out of him. So thank you.." I said softly, "I didn't want an explanation from him.."

He nodded and I talked it out, he walked out of the room and I sat in there for a bit, I assume he was going to tell Molly, I didn't mind though. He is her son and she is involved in his life. I picked at my nails out of anxiety and someone walked in, "Fred?" I said with a voice crack.

He sat on the floor beside me, "I heard." he said and I shrugged, "Come on." he said getting up and holding his hand out, I raised an eyebrow, "Trust me, it'll be fun." he smiled and I took his hand. He grabbed two jackets because we were both in tank tops and it was night. We snuck out of the door, we walked for a bit.

"Fred. Where are we going." I asked and he smiled,

"A place to have fun, of course." he winked and I laughed, "I figure you since you're going through a lot, I would take some of that stress away." he said and I nodded.

After a few more minutes of walking, we came across a muggle pub. We walked in and.. it wasn't a pub.. "This is one of the most craziest clubs around here." he said, "Don't need an ID either." he winked and I laughed.

Soon, drinking began, a lot of drinking and dancing. It was funny to see Fred so loose and free. We danced together for a bit. We were there for hours. It was 4 in the morning when we left the club, we kept pushing each other on the walk to Grimmauld place and laughing. We were so giggly and drunk. We got to my room and we sat in there trying to sober up before Molly caught us. We were sitting on my bed drinking some water, "Thank you, Fred. I needed this."

"Yeah, no problem, Ashy." he smiled a bit, next thing I knew he.. kissed me. For a second, no longer, I melted into it, then I pushed him away.

We both looked at each other and started laughing, I laid on the bed and so did he. We looked at the ceiling just talking about random things. "Do you think he regrets it?"

"Don't talk about him right now. We were laughing when we weren't." he said and I nodded, "I knew we were going to be friends from the first year I saw you." he said.

"Why didn't you talk to me first year then?" I laughed

He sat up and leaned against the pillows, "Nervous? You seemed really cool and didn't take anyone's shit. I didn't think you'd want to be friends with us."

I laughed and he hit my arm, "I would've loved to be friends with you guys!" I said and laughed, "I am grateful for the guy who knocked me over, you guy's would have never put that Dungbomb in my bag." I said and he smiled, "Should get some sleep-"

Before I could finish that sentence, Fred sort of collapsed and was already asleep, I laughed to myself and fell asleep as well.

It was a fun night.. thanks to Fred.

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