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Deep above the night skies of aincrad, the Ark was seconds away from colliding with the floating castle. Below the ark was two yellow lights that can be seen heading towards the Ark.

Sonic:"No Way That's Getting through."

The Two continued to fly towards the Ark. Shadow then loses focus and hears a voice in his head.

???:"Shadow, I beg of you..."


Maria:"give them a chance, to be happy."

Shadow regains focus and with a determined look, gets into motion. Both Sonic and Shadow raise their hands, as if they were catching the Ark.

Sonic:"Now Shadow!"

Both of them create a yellow sphere and raise combine both spheres making it bigger.

Both:"Chaos Control!!!"

The ball Expands and everything goes White.


An alarm clock goes off and Sonic gasps as he wakes up. He looks around and calms down when he sees he's in his room. His uncle then walks in.

Chuck:"I heard you gasp, is everything alright my boy?"

Sonic:"Yeah Uncle Chuck, just a dream."

Chuck:"Alright, will be ready soon, why don't you go out for a run."

Uncle Chuck closes Sonic's room and Sonic gets off from his bed. He then goes to his bathroom to take a shower. After he showers, he then puts on clean clothes and exits his room. He looks in the hallway and sees Manic knocking on Sonia's room.

Manic:"Come on Sonia wake up, your my ride to work."

Sonic chuckles at this and walks downstairs to the living room. He grabs his house key from the key rack and exits their house. He locks his door and makes his way to the sidewalk. Sonic inhales then Exhales.

Sonic:"Man it's a beautiful day outside."
He then begans to go for a light jog around his neighborhood.


   It was noon Sonic decided to visit the hospital. There were still people unconscious with the nervegear on. That included some of his friends. He decided to go to kirito's room 1st.

Sonic:"Hey buddy... I'm just here visiting, and hoping you'll wake up soon."

He looks at kirito, but he was still unresponsive. He would just sigh and exit the room. He would visit Asuna next, but the moment he stepped in he saw two men in there already. He was confused and went to interact with them. The older man introduced himself as asuna's father. The other was introduced as Nobuyuki Sugou.(some parts of convo is same as canon, so skipping it)

Sugou:"I would like to see her in a wedding dress."

Sonic was shocked and confused at this statement. Asuna's father would leave the room while Sugou would stay.

Sugou:"So I heard all about the Blue Blur of Sao. To think the legend himself would be here in front of me."

Sonic:"I'm going to assume you know more than you let on."

Sugou would just chuckle. He would stare back at Asuna and walk towards her.

Sonic:"Hey what do you think you're doing."

Sugou:"Asuna never liked me when we were younger, in fact it was quite the opposite, but her parents don't need to know that."

He would grab her hair and smell it. Sonic would grab his arm stopping him from doing anything more. Sugou would just get annoyed and leave the room, but not before whispering to him he'll never see them again. Sonic wide eyed and turned , but he was already gone. Sonic went to visit Sinon, but saw someone there already, so he decided to leave them be for now. Just as he was exiting the hospital he got a message from agil. He than ran towards agil's shop.

At Agil's shop Timeskip

    Sonic had arrived at agils shop and was investigating the pictures he had on his counter with agil.

Sonic:"No doubt about it, It's them."

Agil:"to think we weren't captured along with the rest. Think it's possible there was a mistake in the system."

Sonic:" No doubt about it, someone hacked into the game and saved a few of us, but that begs the question... who did it? Well it doesn't matter now, all that matters now is finding out what game and where they are being kept at."

Agil:" well it kinda seems like the world tree from alfiem online."

Agil would then put the case on the counter.

Sonic:" No way, that makes things alot easier."

???:" You're not actually planning to go there by yourself are you."

Sonic and agil would turn to the door and see shadow leaning against the doorway.

Shadow:"It's impossible to get into the world tree, due to the amount of enemies at the base and their respawn rate. You're gonna need an army to get through, and say if you do get an army of the race you pic, it still won't be enough."

Sonic thought it over, but then got an idea.

Sonic:"Maybe with one race, but what about the entire game."

Shadow:"That would be impossible to do due to the fact that only one race can be chosen to the assencion."
(Explanation same as cannon)

Sonic:"Well I have to try, besides you have a better idea?"

Shadow just stood silent and just walked out

Shadow:"I'll aid you when I buy the game, but till then you're on your own."

Sonic smiled at this:" Thank you shadow."

Shadow:"You can thank me by getting your friends out of there, and here's a little tip, everything in that game uses the same binary code and servers from sao"

Sonic then grabbed the case and headed home.

Timeskip to residents

Sonic was setting up the game. While he was doing that he was deep thought.

Sonic:' if it does uses the same coding and servers from sao, then maybe."

He had flashbacks of Caliburn saving him from a fatal blow before being broken in half, and yui being saved into his inventory thanks to miles.

Sonic:' Hang on guys, i'll see you soon

Sonic then would put the nerve gear on his head and lays on his bed.

Sonic:"Link Start!"

Sonic:"Link Start!"

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To Be Continued

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