iii. wrong place, wrong time

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Once the brunette came out of her state of shock, she turned and ran as fast as she could from the scene. But it seemed no matter how fast or hard she ran, the fire and screams seemed to catch up to her quickly.

Her breathing started to pick up as everyone shoved and pushed to get away from the large group of death eaters roaming the camping grounds. Her thoughts wandered to Draco, hoping he was okay and safe. Melody knew that he was probably screaming out her name by now and searching around for her as much as he could. Then her thoughts drifted off to The Weasley's, Hermione, and Harry. Harry Potter. If any death eater gets a sight of him or especially Hermione then they could be in a lot of trouble. They could be tortured or badly injured right now —.

Melody shook that thought from her mind as she started frantically wiping the scared tears running down her cheek, blurring her vision. She needed to get back to the tent and she needed to be strong. She needed to get back to Draco because Merlin knows he was probably circling around the tent shouting her name while planning out how he was going to hex her into oblivion for leaving him. You've got this Melody. For Merlin's sake, you're a strong witch. Wait — which way was the Malfoy's Tent?

All hope left Melody as she frantically moved her head in different directions, not knowing her way back to the Malfoy's tent anymore. She could have sworn that all she had to do was go straight back behind her and it would have led her to the tent. But she knew the area around her didn't seem familiar to her in that moment. Melody knew it was probably because she made a turn accidentally when the large frantic crowd carried her through the camping grounds.

She could practically hear Draco's words from that morning about how she was horrible with directions. Oh how she wished she would have just stayed at the tent with Draco and not let her emotions get the best of her. Just as she saw that the crowd was carrying her towards the woods, Melody quickly turned back and tried searching around for the direction back to the tent. She knew that the tent was more towards the front but didn't know which area it was in.

As Melody was pushing against the large crowd, it was getting harder and harder for her to move forward. She was getting pushed and shoved from left to right as people gave no mind to anyone as the death eaters started to close in. Melody then found herself being knocked to the ground when someone's elbow dug into her side harshly and the brunette began to stumble over her own feet.

As she was met with the ground below her, Melody tried to lift herself off of the ground quickly. But that idea was cut short when the thousands of horrified and shrieking wizards and witches began trampling over her.

Each time a pair of feet stomped over her back a crack could be heard along with Melody getting a face full of dirt. She tried to let out a scream of pain but each time it was cut short by more feet walking over her. As the fragile girl began to finally lift herself up off of the dirt with shaky arms, a foot had swung back and slammed into her cheek. Melody let out a shriek and a sob of pain but she still kept her arms panted into the dirt.

The girl then finally quickly lifted herself up despite her throbbing back and stinging cheek with gritting teeth. Melody quickly got out of the crowd as fast as she could and darted aimlessly towards the direction she thought the Malfoy's tent was in. Her head moved in different directions frantically as she tried to think back and retrace her steps.

She tried to think of what seemed familiar to her but everything was practically set on fire. Melody's head throbbed and her hands started to shake. Saying she was scared to death was an understatement. She couldn't think straight and her breathing started to pick up as she choked on a sob. She felt like she was doomed for in that very moment.

Then suddenly a voice called out her name from the left of her.

"Melody!" Melody snapped her attention over to her left and there stood Harry frantically running towards her with. . .worry in his eyes? For her? If they weren't surrounded by death eaters setting everything on fire and torturing any witch or wizard they came across then she would have swooned.

GONE WITH THE WIND, harry potterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن